U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District: Global Expertise, Neighborhood Solutions.
Philadelphia Home
Regulatory HQ
Regulatory Home

    Latest News:
    CWA Guidance to Implement the Rapanos and Carabell Decisions:
  • Regulatory Guidance Letter 05-04  View in pdf   
    Guidance on the Discharge of Sediments From or Through a Dam and the Breaching of Dams, for Purposes of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act.


Regulatory Branch Contacts
Regulator-of-the-Day (215) 656-6728
Regulatory Fax Number (215) 656-6724

Regulatory Branch Chief

(215) 656-6725

Chief, Application Section I

(215) 656-6726

Chief, Application Section II (215) 656-5715
Chief, Surveillance & Enforcement (215) 656-6727
Pocono Area Field Office (570) 842-1045
Dover Area Field Office (302) 736-9763
Philadelphia District Boundaries
Philadelphia District

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Regulatory Branch
100 Penn Square East
Philadelphia, PA 19107-3390

(215) 656-6728
(215) 656-6724 (fax)
Philadelphia Webmaster

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Last updated:  8 August 2007
