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"Creating a healthy, naturally balanced environment is good for us and for our productivity and profitability. And we think it's the right thing."

-Jim Crawford
Pennsylvania Vegetable Farmer

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Agriculture & Environment
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improving The environment and protecting natural resources

Protecting Our Environment

Agriculture represents one of the most cost-effective ways to improve two of our most pressing environmental challenges: water quality and climate change. We believe that there is enormous opportunity for farmers and ranchers to play a major role in improving our environment while also expanding their sources of revenue.

arrow Protecting Water Quality

arrow Addressing Climate Change

arrow Finding Solutions

arrow Shaping Strong Policies

Learn About the Issues 

Get Involved

Take Action to support strong climate change legislation

Watch the Apple as Planet Earth to see why protecting farmland protects our environment

Apple as Planet Earth

Take Seven Simple Steps to save farm and ranch land

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Farmers and Ranchers Making a Difference

Tom Hutson

Millions of New York City residents have clean drinking water, thanks to help from healthy farms in the Catskill Mountains and farmers like Tom Hutson. Hutson was one of the first farmers to participate in programs to reduce organic pollution in the Catskill/Delaware reservoir systems. more

American Farmland Trust