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Right now is the time to help us push for lasting and progressive farm and food policies.

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"More and more people have begun to realize that this is an indefensible program from a trade policy standpoint. Beneath the surface one can sense that the house of cards has begun to shake a bit."
-Clayton Yeutter
Former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
Voices for Change
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Across America, a diverse group of farmers, ranchers and public leaders are calling for real changes in our agricultural policy to enhance farmer profitability and competitiveness, expand environmental stewardship, increase access to healthy food and improve the health of consumers.

Ernie Averett Ernie Averett, North Carolina Farmer
Averett is co-founder of a conservation group that has protected over 15,000 acres of land—but there's still work to be done. more
Terry Jones Terry Jones, Connecticut Farmer
The Jones' 400-acre farm is a key part of 2,000 acres locally that have been protected through greenways, land trusts, public watershed and purchase of development rights. more
Richard M. Daley

Richard M. Daley, Mayor of Chicago
Mayor Daley has earned a national reputation for innovative, community-based programs that
address environmental concerns, land use and access to locally grown food. more

Dave Legvold Dave Legvold, Minnesota Farmer
“Over the past 10 years I’ve received $241,000 in
subsidy and price support payments but zero dollars for conservation." more
Charles Kuperus Charles Kuperus, New Jersey Secretary of Ag
Kuperus is dedicated to making schools healthier by working with local and regional farms so that hungry kids can have better snack options. more
Alex Weiser Alex Weiser, California Farmer
"You can see that people will eat good food if you give it to them," believes Alex Weiser, who helps support community nutrition programs and farmers markets. more
Connecticut dairyman Robin Chesmer

Robin Chesmer, Connecticut Dairyman
Chesmer could be the poster child for farmer entrepreneurship and local market development. more

Glen Riekhof, Missouri Farmer Glen Riekhof, Missouri Farmer
This Midwestern farmer is pursuing renewable fuels with a passion but will not compromise conservation practices on his farm. more
Illinois Farmer Paul Taylor Paul Taylor, Illinois Farmer
“If you don’t have the incentive or insight to lay out a vision, you can’t make it in farming.” more
Steve Percy Steve Percy, Idaho Rancher
"Maybe we’ll realize the importance [of land] when food gets to be as expensive as gas.  You can park your car, but you can’t park your appetite.” more
Cherry Farmer Dorrance Amos Dorance Amos, Michigan Farmer
"Too many Americans are too far from the farm today. We’ve got to educate the government about what farming really is, why it’s really hard." more
Farmer Larry Kclo inspects his berry plants Larry Klco, Ohio Farmer
A simple motto guides Larry Klco’s decisions for his Lake County, Ohio pick-your-own farm: If you want to buy it, I’ll grow it. more
Mary James Mary James, North Carolina Farmer
“The best thing to help us out would be to assist the small farmers in marketing their goods and to create new incentives for beginning farmers.” more
Jim Andrews - Photo by Glen Lucht, Iowa Farmer Today

Jim Andrew, Iowa Farmer
Andrew is the first farmer in the U.S. to qualify for Tier III, the highest performance level under the Conservation Security Program. more

Tom Hutson

Tom Hutson, New York Dairyman
Hutson helps keep the reservoirs that supply drinking water for New York City residents pristine enough to satisfy federal drinking water standards. more

Rose Koenig Rose Koenig, Florida Community Farmer
"Farm policy changes should focus more on incorporating farming system shifts rather than working on individual components. " more
Sinton Cropped Shot Steve Sinton, California Rancher
"We need a farm policy that encourages everyone in agriculture to be excellent stewards of their land,” says California rancher Steve Sinton. more
Varel Bailey Varel Bailey, Iowa Crop and Livestock Farmer
Bailey stresses the need for results-based conservation programs that encourage producer creativity. more
The Crawfords

Jim Crawford, Pennsylvania Vegetable Farmer
A well-structured "green payments" program, with priorities set at the county level, could allow Crawford to make improvements in his farm. more

New Hampshire Farmer Gary Matteson Gary Matteson, New Hampshire Farmer
Matteson takes a big picture approach when it comes to land preservation and farm policy. more
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