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About RSS Feeds

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML-based format for content distribution. AFT offers RSS feeds for use in news readers and weblogs (blogs). Subscribe free and you'll get the most up-to-date headlines, stories, press releases and action alerts.

XML buttonAdd American Farmland Trust RSS Feed (Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer 7 and other browsers have built-in RSS capabilities. Internet Explorer 6 and earlier versions need to either use RSS reader sites or download applications)

About Podcasting

Podcasting is a way of publishing audio and video on-demand programs to the Web, allowing people to subscribe to a podcast and receive new episodes on their computer and portable devices—such as an iPod—automatically through an RSS feed.

Podcast feedGo to the American Farmland Trust podcast on iTunes


AFT on YouTube

We've created an American Farmland Trust channel on YouTube. You can subscribe to the channel and receive notification of new uploads.

Visit AFT's YouTube channel
Go to the American Farmland Trust channel on YouTube


How to Access RSS Feeds and podcasts

There are a number of ways to access or view RSS feeds. You can use a web-based news reader or service such as those developed by Google and My Yahoo!. You can also install a dedicated news reader on a computer or as a plug-in for your browser. Then, personally selected RSS feeds will be displayed. After installing the news reader, you can add each feed manually from a web site by clicking on "Subscribe" or the "XML" or "RSS" orange button next to the feed, such as that for AFT.

Podcasts can be downloaded directly from RSS feeds containing media file links or by subscribing to the Podcast through services such as the Apple iTunes Store. More information about subscribing to podcasts is available on the Apple iTunes Web site and on Wikipedia.




American Farmland Trust