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Date:         Tue, 25 Oct 2005 07:54:03 -0400
Reply-To:     Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
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Sender:       Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
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From:         Tom Fine <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Re: Digitization
Comments: To: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
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Hi Ishumael: Probably the simplest solution is get a stand-alone CD recorder. I'm sure many on this list have specific recommendations. Of course, you need a phono preamp to go between your phono cartridge and the CD recorder, for instance the phono section of a preamp, integrated amp or receiver. Or a standalone phono preamp. Many hardware options and I'm sure others will chime in with specific recommendations. There's a lot of voodoo and superstition about disc transfers out there, but one mantra has rung very true with me over years of doing this and thousands of discs -- CLEAN THE RECORD AND CLEAN IT CORRECTLY. The best investment I ever made as far as LP records was a VPI machine. There are other, less costly solutions out there that work just as well. Some people are brave and skilled enough to wash LPs with a soft car-wash spong and a solution of water, ivory soap and alcohol in a slop-sink. I know this can work because one of the people I most respect as far as great vinyl-to-digital (and shellac-to-digital) transfers uses this method. But he's braver and more skilled than I, so I stick with a cleaning machine. The only other hard and fast rule I can think of is -- use a good cartridge with a sharp/unchipped stylus. Then you won't damage your records and you'll get optimum results. Oh, actually one more hard and fast rule -- in the digital world, 0dBfs on the meters means absolutely maximum level. Digital ain't tape -- it clips ugly and doesn't saturate pretty. So watch your levels until you figure out how to do it right. Don't be too timid or you'll get lousy, thin sound; just don't be too aggressive like some guys are/were with tape. Years ago in the U.S., TDK tape had a radio commercial about a guy who said "all my friends think I'm crazy" because as soon as he'd get a new LP, he'd record it to tape and then listen to the tape. Well, he might not have been so crazy and would definitely not be crazy today. MANY things that were originally released on LP are not out on commercial CD's and probably never will be. Or, what's out there is a really lousy remaster. Or, it's a decent remaster made from a badly-deteriorated tape. Unfortunately, many LPs back in the day -- at least in the U.S. -- were pressed on noisy vinyl. However, if you have a lot of LPs, you probably have dozens that fall into the magic sweet spot: never released or ineptly released on CD, good vinyl, well-preserved. Those should be treasured. A digital transfer can sound as good or almost as good (depending on your ears and opinions) as the original LP, so it's wise to make a good transfer and listen to it instead of the now-rare, now-valuable LP. As for CD media lifespans, others on this list have more expertise. My experience has been that, so far, just about any media I've used that my Plextor burners will deal with (they have issues with a lot of ultra-cheap stuff so I just don't buy it) has lasted well for the 7 years or so that I've been doing this. Ask me in 10 years and I might have a better indicator as to what will stand the test of time. Any CD media I've burned that's left exposed to the elements in my truck eventually dies off. If you're running a library or something similar, what I'd do is make my digital transfer onto good media, at least a good Japanese brand or even Mitsui Gold archival. Then make copies of that onto cheaper disposable media for lending purposes. Obviously, make copies in a computer. I didn't get into using a computer instead of a CD recorder but that's the solution I've found best for me. However, others on this list find the CD recorder solution better. I can see how it could be faster and easier in some situations, but it's definitely less flexible as far as what you can do to fix problems like ticks and pops or normalize levels or even fix bad EQ on the LP. If one uses a CD Recorder, I believe one has to have a very good LP reproducer chain (turntable, cartridge and preamp) because what comes out of that chain is it. I find the more complicated computer-recording method better for me because I like to manually fix ticks and pops -- particularly the few that inevitably show up on even the best vinyl -- and normalize levels so a transfer CD plays at normal level in the car or on the home system (not super-crunched/over-Redbook-max garbage like is being turned out in some quarters today). OK, hope that helps. Sorry to ramble but it's early here and I'm only working on one cup of coffee. One man's opinions, your mileage my vary, etc. -- Tom Fine ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ishumael Zinyengere" <[log in to unmask]> To: <[log in to unmask]> Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 4:31 AM Subject: [ARSCLIST] Digitization > Dear Colleagues > > How does one: > > 1. Transfer music from microgroove records to compact > disc > 2. What type of equipment (hardware and software) is > needed > 3. Is it a good choice to transfer music for archival > purposes or only as an access copy to reseachers > 4. Where can one in Africa get the equipment at a > reasonable prize > 5. How do you preserve the Compact Discs if you > transfer > 6. What are the temperatures for keeping the Compact > Discs. > > With Regards > > > Ishumael Zinyengere > > > > > > > ___________________________________________________________ > Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

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