Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program

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Program at a Glance
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Source: Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs
What's New

A new discretionary grant competition will be held this year for the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program. Please check this site periodically for updates.

Program Office: Academic Improvement and Teacher Quality Programs

CFDA Number: 84.206A
Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants

Program Description

The purpose of this program is to carry out a coordinated program of scientifically based research, demonstration projects, innovative strategies, and similar activities designed to build and enhance the ability of elementary and secondary schools to meet the special education needs of gifted and talented students. The major emphasis of the program is on serving students traditionally underrepresented in gifted and talented programs, particularly economically disadvantaged, limited English proficient (LEP), and disabled students, to help reduce the serious gap in achievement among certain groups of students at the highest levels of achievement.

Grants are awarded under two priorities. Priority One supports initiatives to develop and scale up models serving students who are underrepresented in gifted and talented programs. Priority Two supports state and local efforts to improve services for gifted and talented students.

Types of Projects

Programs and projects (SEA and LEA capacity-building grants) must carry out one or more of the following:

  • Conducting scientifically based research on methods and techniques for identifying and teaching gifted and talented students—and for using these programs and methods to serve all students; and conducting program evaluations, surveys, and other analyses needed to accomplish the purpose of this program;

  • Carrying out professional development for personnel involved in the education of gifted and talented students;

  • Establishing and operating model projects and exemplary programs for serving gifted and talented students, including innovative methods of serving students whose needs may not be met by more traditional gifted and talented programs (including summer programs, mentoring, service learning, and programs involving business, industry, and education);

  • Implementing innovative strategies, such as cooperative learning, peer tutoring, and service learning;

  • Providing technical assistance and information on how to serve gifted and talented students and, where appropriate, how to adapt these programs to serve all students;

  • Making materials and services available through state regional education service centers, IHEs, or other entities; or

  • Providing challenging, high-level course work, disseminated through technologies (including distance learning), for students in schools or LEAs that would not otherwise have the resources for such course work.

In addition, the program supports the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented for the purpose of carrying out the allowable activities already described. Not more than 30 percent of program funds can be spent for research.

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Last Modified: 09/12/2008