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Date:         Mon, 2 Jul 2007 21:45:58 -0400
Reply-To:     Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
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Sender:       Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
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From:         "Steven C. Barr(x)" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Re: Blues harp amplified (was Re: [ARSCLIST] Is The Record Shop
Comments: To: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
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----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Fine" <[log in to unmask]> > Also favored today is the Shure green bullet, which has been reissued in the last 10 years. There > are also harps made with peizo pickups in them, but they seem to be favored by the "technocrat" > crowd which sounds generic and unappealing to my ears. > Except...the present-day "Green Bullet" is NOT the sonic equivalent of its ancestor(s)...which is why I neither own one nor WANT one! The original vesions of this mike (and there were several...!) used crystal cartridges (I don't know if they survived long enough to be sold with the ceramic equivalent...?!). This gave them a fairly narrow "bandwidth"... which, since they were mainly used by dispatchers and other "two-way-radio" people, was a benefit rather than a problem! In fact, I used to own an Astatic version which had a pistol-grip "handle" moulded into its case... The current "Green Bullets"...primarily marketed by, or through, Hohner... are DYNAMIC microphones, and as a result have the same wide "bandwidth" as most modern dynamic stage mikes. The appeal is NOT the's the appearance! For a number of years, I used little plastic mikes I bought for $1 per each at Active "electronica disposery" in Toronto that bought up all sorts of miscellany and sold it cheaply. I would guess they came, originally, with some kind of toy...and thus had the same (C.)100-5000Hz response as did the original "bullets." The last mike I owned with a proper sound apparently came with an Ampex tape recorder, probably in the mid-fifties?! The problem is, today, that even the worst and cheapest mikes are too durn GOOD for my taste! Anybody out there in Radio-Land have an old original "bullet mike" or other low-fi mike for sale fairly cheaply...?! Or know how to convert the "speak-into" element of a telephone into a usable microphone...?! Steven C. Barr (partially-famed harmonicist...)

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