
Africa News & Features

09 January 2009 

Today from VOA:

News in 45 Languages
For weeks,  the two sides have been deadlocked over how to allocate key cabinet positions. Morgan Tsvangirai has been pushing Mr. Mugabe to split control of the ministry that controls the police.
Talks on forming a national unity government involving the MDC and the ZANU-PF party of President Robert Mugabe have been stalled almost since a Sept. 15 accord was signed
  Shona News
Ndebele News

Bato iri rinotiwo manyepo kuti pane makakatanwa panyaya yekuti ropinda here kana kuti kwete muhurumende yemubatanidzwa.

Abathumba uJestina Mukoko Labanye Baqanjwa Amagama Emthethwandaba  

Abantu laba abalitshumi lasitshiya munwe munye bagoqela izikhulu zamapholisa, insoli, lowedwa owebutho.

Defense lawyer Alec Muchadehama said his clients were tortured after being abducted by suspected agents of the state security apparatus
Zimbabwean human rights activists are led into court in Harare on Dec 24 2008
Robert Mugabe makes speech during independence celebrations in Harare, 18 Apr 2008