Reports and Testimonies
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Economic Development

Disaster Recovery: FEMA's Public Assistance Grant Program Experienced Challenges with Gulf Coast Rebuilding
GAO-09-129, December 18, 2008
Disaster Assistance: Federal Efforts to Assist Group Site Residents with Employment, Services for Families with Children, and Transportation
GAO-09-81, December 11, 2008
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Financial Institutions

Troubled Asset Relief Program: Additional Actions Needed to Better Ensure Integrity, Accountability, and Transparency
GAO-09-266T, December 10, 2008
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Financial Management

Financial Regulation: A Framework for Crafting and Assessing Proposals to Modernize the Outdated U.S. Financial Regulatory System
GAO-09-216, January 8, 2009
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Government Operations

Radio Communications: Congressional Action Needed to Ensure Agencies Collaborate to Develop a Joint Solution
GAO-09-133, December 12, 2008
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Ryan White Care Act: First-Year Experiences under the Part D Administrative Expense Cap
GAO-09-140, December 19, 2008
Medicare Advantage: Characteristics, Financial Risks, and Disenrollment Rates of Beneficiaries in Private Fee-for-Service Plans
GAO-09-25, December 15, 2008
Medicare Part D: Opportunities Exist for Improving Information Sent to Enrollees and Scheduling the Annual Election Period
GAO-09-4, December 12, 2008
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Homeland Security

Homeland Security Grant Program Risk-Based Distribution Methods: Presentation to Congressional Committees - November 14, 2008 and December 15, 2008
GAO-09-168R, December 23, 2008
Homeland Security: U.S. Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology Program Planning and Execution Improvements Needed
GAO-09-96, December 12, 2008
Terrorism Insurance: Status of Coverage Availability for Attacks Involving Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, or Radiological Weapons
GAO-09-39, December 12, 2008
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Income Security

Social Security Disability: Collection of Medical Evidence Could Be Improved with Evaluations to Identify Promising Collection Practices
GAO-09-149, December 17, 2008
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Information Management

Information Security: Continued Efforts Needed to Address Significant Weaknesses at IRS
GAO-09-136, January 9, 2009
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International Affairs

United Nations Peacekeeping: Challenges Obtaining Needed Resources Could Limit Further Large Deployments and Should Be Addressed in U.S. Reports to Congress
GAO-09-142, December 18, 2008
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Justice and Law Enforcement

Crime Victims' Rights Act: Increasing Awareness, Modifying the Complaint Process, and Enhancing Compliance Monitoring Will Improve Implementation of the Act
GAO-09-54, December 15, 2008
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National Defense

Defense Business Transformation: Status of Department of Defense Efforts to Develop a Management Approach to Guide Business Transformation
GAO-09-272R, January 9, 2009
Defense Logistics: Improved Analysis and Cost Data Needed to Evaluate the Cost-effectiveness of Performance Based Logistics
GAO-09-41, December 19, 2008
DOD Personnel Clearances: Preliminary Observations about Timeliness and Quality
GAO-09-261R, December 19, 2008
Defense Logistics: Department of Defense's Annual Report on the Status of Prepositioned Materiel and Equipment Can Be Enhanced to Better Inform Congress
GAO-09-147R, December 15, 2008
Global War on Terrorism: Reported Obligations for the Department of Defense
GAO-09-233R, December 15, 2008
Improvement Continues in DOD's Reporting on Sustainable Ranges, but Opportunities Exist to Improve Its Range Assessments and Comprehensive Plan
GAO-09-128R, December 15, 2008
Defense Inventory: Management Actions Needed to Improve the Cost Efficiency of the Navy's Spare Parts Inventory
GAO-09-103, December 12, 2008
Status of GAO Recommendations to the Department of Defense (Fiscal Years 2001-2007)
GAO-09-201R, December 11, 2008
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Natural Resources

Research and Development: DOE Could Enhance the Project Selection Process for Government Oil and Natural Gas Research
GAO-09-186, December 29, 2008
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Social Services

Social Security Disability: Improving Notices to Denied Claimants
GAO-09-183R, January 9, 2009
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Federal-Aid Highways: Federal Requirements for Highways May Influence Funding Decisions and Create Challenges, but Benefits and Costs Are Not Tracked
GAO-09-36, December 12, 2008
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