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Section Image Contexts of Elementary and Secondary Education: Standard Error Tables
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Early Literacy Activities
Table S33-1.  Standard errors for the percentage of prekindergarten children ages 3–5 who participated in home literacy activities with a family member three or more times in the preceding week, by selected child and family characteristics: 1993 and 2005

  Read to
  Told a story
  Taught letters,
words, or numbers
  Taught songs
or music
Child or family characteristic 1993 2005   1993 2005   1993 2005   1993 2005

    Total 0.66 0.75   0.89 1.03   0.79 0.89   0.86 1.08
  3 0.99 1.21   1.33 1.91   1.27 1.19   1.33 1.49
  4 1.00 1.32   1.52 1.60   1.11 1.46   1.24 1.62
  5 2.09 2.24   2.70 3.40   2.81 2.32   2.56 3.32
  Male 1.04 1.20   1.26 1.78   0.97 1.40   1.31 1.59
  Female 1.00 0.94   1.24 1.63   1.35 1.17   1.22 1.48
  White 0.71 0.75   0.98 1.49   0.93 1.36   1.00 1.53
  Black 2.36 3.13   2.69 3.63   2.69 3.13   3.10 4.09
  Hispanic 2.38 2.04   2.18 2.40   1.94 2.24   1.99 2.18
  Asian/Pacific Islander 5.83 4.41   7.35 4.93   4.90 6.30   4.65 6.02
Parents’ primary home language                      
  Both parents speak English 0.64 0.74   0.92 1.18   0.85 0.98   0.94 1.18
  One parent speaks English 7.44 6.17   7.96 7.91   7.66 7.04   6.08 7.29
  Neither parent speaks English 3.13 2.81   2.75 2.84   2.76 2.68   2.60 3.61
Parents’ education                      
  Less than high school 3.83 3.55   3.55 3.91   2.98 3.47   3.06 3.97
  High school diploma or equivalent 1.56 1.78   1.48 2.48   1.51 2.11   1.45 2.49
  Some college, including vocational/technical 1.36 1.38   1.78 2.47   1.62 1.64   1.33 2.23
  Bachelor’s degree 1.57 1.38   2.27 2.32   1.77 2.34   2.25 2.13
  Graduate/professional degree 1.57 1.17   2.40 2.52   2.07 1.79   2.21 2.48
Mother’s employment                      
  35 hours or more per week 1.20 1.18   1.23 2.00   1.47 1.87   1.55 1.94
  Less than 35 hours per week 1.67 1.47   1.94 2.39   1.95 1.73   1.81 2.47
  Looking for work 3.45 2.55   2.91 6.83   3.65 3.64   4.41 4.69
  Not in the labor force 1.26 1.31   1.46 2.02   1.49 1.57   1.36 1.86
Family type                      
  Two-parent household 0.71 0.80   0.96 1.14   0.91 1.08   0.89 1.35
  One-parent or guardian-only household 1.71 1.74   1.97 2.57   2.13 1.98   1.93 2.61
Poverty status                      
  Poor 1.59 1.94   1.83 2.65   2.00 2.08   2.05 2.44
  Near-poor 1.46 1.72   1.55 2.23   1.59 2.15   1.34 2.33
  Nonpoor 0.77 0.72   1.26 1.34   1.05 1.20   1.26 1.43
Number of children under age 18 in the home                      
  1 1.52 1.95   1.93 2.60   1.74 2.53   1.67 2.80
  2–3 0.80 0.88   1.10 1.29   0.87 1.18   1.01 1.31
  4 or more 2.62 2.09   2.90 3.39   3.01 2.84   2.23 3.20

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, School Readiness Survey of the 1993 National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES) and Early Childhood Program Participation Survey of the 2005 NHES, previously unpublished tabulation (October 2005).

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