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Care Arrangements for Children After School
Table 33-2.  Percentage of children in kindergarten through 8th grade who participated in selected before- and/or after-school care arrangements that required a fee, by type of care, average cost per hour paid by households, and selected household characteristics: 2001

Care arrangement characteristic Relative care Nonrelative care Center- or school-
based programs

    Total (in thousands) 6,276 2,565 6,567
Arrangement has a fee (percentage)1 19.0 72.0 58.0
  Average cost per hour (in dollars) to households2
All households $5.60 $7.90 $5.60
  Households without financial help from outside      
    Cost for one child only 4.70 4.20 5.40
    Cost includes more than one child 6.50 12.20 10.00
  Households with financial help from outside      
    Cost for one child only 3.20 4.50
    Cost includes more than one child 6.00! 5.10!

!Interpret data with caution (estimates are unstable; standard error/mean estimate is greater than or equal to 0.3).

‡Reporting standards not met.

1Children are excluded from the analysis if one type of arrangement required a fee and a second or third did not.

2Children are excluded from the analysis if one type of arrangement involved financial help and a second or third did not, or if one type of arrangement involved more than one child and another did not.

NOTE: Homeschooled children are excluded. Estimates for average cost per hour are based on both before- and/or after-school care arrangements; when asked about costs, respondents were not asked to distinguish between before- and/or after-school arrangements.

SOURCE: Kleiner, B., Nolin, M.J., and Chapman, C. (2004). Before- and After-School Care, Programs, and Activities of Children in Kindergarten Through Eighth Grade: 2001 (NCES 2004–008), table 7. Data from U.S. Department of Education, NCES, Before- and After-School Programs and Activities Survey of the 2001 National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES) (ASPA–NHES:2001).


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