EPA Regional Programs


Jan. 24, 2007
President Bush Issues New Executive Order
On January 24th, 2007, President George W. Bush signed the Executive Order, “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management.” The order sets goals in the areas of energy efficiency, acquisition, renewable energy, toxics reductions, recycling, renewable energy, sustainable buildings, electronics stewardship, fleets, and water conservation. In addition the order requires more widespread use of Environmental Management Systems as the framework in which to manage and continually improve these sustainable practices. "This is a timely and strategic step forward, building upon the many and notable accomplishments of the Federal community. As a result, we will be more efficient and effective in meeting our mission, while at the same time leading by example in the areas of environmental and energy stewardship", said Edwin Pinero, Federal Environmental Executive.

The new Executive Order, “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management,” builds on the Federal government’s significant accomplishments in environmental stewardship and energy efficiency. The new E.O. directs Federal agencies to implement sustainable practices for:

  • Energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, and petroleum use reductions
  • Renewable energy
  • Acquisition of recycled content, energy efficient, biobased, and environmentally preferable products and services
  • Pollution prevention and recycling
  • Reduction or elimination of toxics and hazardous chemicals
  • High performance buildings
  • Vehicle fleet management
  • Electronics stewardship
  • Water conservation

The E.O. goals establishes new goals for each sustainable practice that are at least as stringent, and in most cases go beyond, prior E.O. goals and statutory requirements. These goals will result in better management of our environmental and energy footprint through reduced waste and increased energy efficiency, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and expanded procurement of environmentally sound products and services, such as the growing area of biobased products. “These goals will not only improve our environmental and energy management, but help catalyze the marketplace,” said Pinero.

The new E.O. also recognizes the successful use of environmental management systems (EMS) in organizations around the world, including the Federal government, and requires more widespread use of EMS as the management framework to implement, manage, measure, and continually improve upon, the order's sustainable practices.

The order consolidates five prior E.O.s and integrates the sustainable practices of those orders into a more cohesive approach to environmental and energy management. It also adopts two memorandums of understanding -- one on high performance buildings and another on electronics stewardship -- recognizing the environmental and energy impact of both and realizing another opportunity to lead by example.

From a management perspective, the order clarifies and expands the roles and responsibilities of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the Federal agencies. Existing and new working groups will develop the tools and guidance needed to implement the sustainable practices. Progress will be measured and reported through the report to the President and the OMB scorecard process.

“Very shortly, the primary detailed instructions will be issued to help the agencies with implementation. We expect to develop instructions and guidance over time, but equally, we will use and build upon the tools and resources already available," said Pinero.

An OFEE Fact Sheet is available.

The full text of this Executive Order can be read at: www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2007/01/20070124-2.html

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Last Updated: June 20, 2007