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Table 27-1.  Number and percentage of bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees women earned, percent change in the number of degrees women earned, and change in the percentage of degrees women earned, by field of study: Academic years 1990–91, 1995–96, and 2005–06

Field of study Number Percent
of total
  Number Percent
of total
  Number Percent
of total
in the
number of
Change in

Bachelor’s degrees                    
     Total1 590,493 53.9   642,338 55.1   854,642 57.5 33.1 2.4
Health professions and related clinical sciences 50,256 83.9   70,145 81.5   79,059 86.0 12.7 4.5
Education 87,390 78.9   79,170 75.1   84,790 79.1 7.1 3.9
Psychology 42,588 72.6   53,580 73.0   68,269 77.5 27.4 4.5
English language and literature/letters 34,173 66.9   32,921 65.9   37,780 68.6 14.8 2.6
Communication, journalism, and related programs 32,241 60.8   28,305 58.8   48,794 63.4 72.4 4.7
Biological and biomedical sciences 20,019 50.8   31,968 52.6   42,527 61.5 33.0 8.9
Visual and performing arts 26,425 62.6   29,170 59.2   51,180 61.4 75.5 2.3
Social sciences and history 56,406 45.1   60,607 47.9   80,686 50.0 33.1 2.0
Business 117,608 47.2   110,078 48.6   158,359 49.8 43.9 1.2
Agriculture and natural resources 4,292 32.7   7,894 36.8   10,990 47.7 39.2 10.8
Mathematics and statistics 6,813 47.3   5,866 46.1   6,655 45.1 13.5 -1.1
Physical sciences and science technologies 5,164 31.6   7,061 36.0   8,487 41.8 20.2 5.8
Computer and information sciences and support services 7,388 29.4   6,749 27.5   9,775 20.6 44.8 -7.0
Engineering and engineering technologies 11,269 14.1   12,656 16.2   14,597 17.9 15.3 1.7
Master’s degrees                    
     Total1 180,686 53.6   227,220 55.9   356,169 60.0 56.8 4.0
Psychology 8,020 70.7   11,062 73.0   15,691 79.4 41.8 6.4
Health professions and related clinical sciences 16,931 79.3   26,903 79.3   40,750 79.3 51.5 #
Education 66,904 76.6   79,981 76.2   133,920 76.7 67.4 0.5
Communication, journalism, and related programs 2,616 60.5   3,408 61.3   5,134 66.3 50.6 5.0
English language and literature/letters 4,581 67.5   4,930 64.4   5,985 67.7 21.4 3.3
Biological and biomedical sciences 2,400 50.0   3,364 51.4   5,027 57.9 49.4 6.5
Visual and performing arts 4,827 55.8   5,919 57.6   7,729 57.1 30.6 -0.5
Social sciences and history 5,217 42.6   6,919 46.1   8,954 51.6 29.4 5.5
Agriculture and natural resources 1,135 34.4   1,909 41.9   2,360 50.9 23.6 8.9
Business 27,372 35.0   35,154 37.6   62,856 42.9 78.8 5.4
Mathematics and statistics 1,453 40.9   1,473 40.3   2,018 42.7 37.0 2.3
Physical sciences and science technologies 1,458 27.6   1,864 32.1   2,354 39.8 26.3 7.7
Computer and information sciences and support services 2,761 29.6   2,850 26.9   4,585 26.9 60.9 -0.1
Engineering and engineering technologies 3,670 14.4   5,018 17.3   7,864 23.5 56.7 6.1
Doctoral degrees                    
     Total1 14,538 37.0   17,811 39.9   27,433 48.9 54.0 9.0
Psychology 2,412 61.3   2,761 66.7   3,574 72.6 29.4 6.0
Health professions and related clinical sciences 885 57.7   996 60.3   5,169 72.5 419.0 12.2
Education 3,575 57.8   3,842 61.5   4,920 64.9 28.1 3.4
English language and literature/letters 587 55.6   860 61.6   744 59.3 -13.5 -2.3
Communication, journalism, and related programs 122 44.9   155 44.9   257 55.4 65.8 10.5
Visual and performing arts 372 44.4   543 50.9   744 53.8 37.0 2.9
Biological and biomedical sciences 1,487 36.9   2,106 41.8   2,842 49.2 34.9 7.4
Social sciences and history 1,056 35.1   1,421 37.8   1,696 43.3 19.4 5.5
Agriculture and natural resources 232 19.6   333 26.4   484 40.5 45.3 14.1
Business 309 26.1   394 28.8   662 38.7 68.0 9.8
Physical sciences and science technologies 831 19.6   1,033 22.9   1,346 30.0 30.3 7.1
Mathematics and statistics 188 19.2   239 20.6   382 29.5 59.8 8.9
Computer and information sciences and support services 92 13.6   126 14.5   307 21.7 143.7 7.2
Engineering and engineering technologies 496 9.3   808 12.6   1,508 20.2 86.6 7.6

# Rounds to zero.

1 Includes other fields not shown separately.

NOTE: See supplemental note 10 for more information on fields of study. Figures are based on data from Title IV degree-granting institutions. See supplemental note 9 for more information. The shaded sections show fields in which women earned at least 50 percent of the degrees in 2005–06. Calculations are based on unrounded numbers. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Digest of Education Statistics, 2007 (NCES 2008-022), tables 258, 286, 288, 290–294, 296, 299–301, 303, 305, and 307, data from U.S. Department of Education, NCES, 1990–91, 1995–96, and 2005–06 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, “Completions Survey” (IPEDS-C:91–96 ), and IPEDS, Fall 2006.

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