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01/08/2009 : Forces Thwart Terrorist Attacks in Iraq, Seize Weapons      
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8, 2009 - Iraqi security forces and U.S. soldiers prevented terrorist attacks and seized weapons in operations in Iraq.
01/08/2009 : Iraqi Girls Reclaim Former Attack Site as ‘Fort of Science’  This story contains photos.    
CAMP TAJI, Iraq, Jan. 8, 2009 - The Huda Girls’ School in Tarmiyah, Iraq, officially reopened its doors in a ceremony that featured speeches, poems and songs.
01/07/2009 : U.S., Iraqi Forces Capture Criminals, Seize Weapons Caches      
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7, 2009 - U.S. soldiers and Iraqi forces detained two suspected criminals and seized several weapons caches in Iraq.
01/06/2009 : Officials Cite Transfer of Train Station Control as Return to Normalcy  This story contains photos.    
KIRKUK PROVINCE, Iraq, Jan. 6, 2009 - U.S. forces transferred the Riyadh, Iraq, train station to Iraqi control in a move local officials say signals a return to normalcy for the area.
01/05/2009 : General in Iraq Leads Troops in Online Chats      
BAGHDAD, Jan. 5, 2009 - Army Maj. Gen. Michael Oates, commander of Multinational Division Center, and more than two dozen soldiers met online in a division chat room to discuss a variety of topics.
01/05/2009 : U.S., Iraqi Forces Capture Suspected Bombers, Other Terrorists      
WASHINGTON, Jan. 5, 2009 - U.S. soldiers and Iraqi security forces nabbed two bombing suspects, as well as nine other suspected terrorists.
01/04/2009 : Iraqi, U.S. Forces Find Weapons, Detain Suspects      
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4, 2009 - Iraqi and U.S. forces in Baghdad seized two stockpiles of enemy weapons and detained four bombing suspects.
01/02/2009 : Iraqi, Coalition Forces Detain Suspects, Find Weapons      
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2, 2009 - Iraqi and coalition forces detained numerous terrorism suspects and seized stockpiles of illegal weapons in various operations this week, military officials reported.
01/02/2009 : Security Station Transitions to Iraqi Government Control  This story contains photos.    
JOINT SECURITY STATION SAB AL BOUR, Iraq, Jan. 2, 2009 - The national symbol of Iraq was raised over the governance center in Sab al Bour, northwest of Baghdad, symbolizing the transition of control of a security station from the coalition forces back to the Iraqi government.
12/31/2008 : Iraqi Civilians Lead Coalition to Dismantle Bombs, Seize Weapons      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 31, 2008 - The “Sons of Iraq” civilian security group led coalition troops to their biggest operations in recent days.
12/31/2008 : School Brings New Beginnings to Iraqi Students  This story contains photos.    
CAMP TAJI, Iraq, Dec. 31, 2008 - Iraqi officials and U.S. soldiers celebrated the completion of renovations on a primary school.
12/30/2008 : Diyala ‘Sons of Iraq’ Transition to Iraqi Government Control  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 30, 2008 - Along with a new year, Iraq is ringing in an important step toward national reconciliation when the nation’s government takes over control of the “Sons of Iraq” citizen security groups in four key provinces.
12/30/2008 : Iraqis Find Homemade Bomb, Enemy Munitions      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 30, 2008 - Iraqi forces found and neutralized a homemade bomb and uncovered an enemy munitions stockpile in Iraq, military officials reported.
12/30/2008 : ‘Sons of Iraq’ Transition to New Role, Purpose in Anbar  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 30, 2008 - What began as a grassroots movement in Iraq's Anbar province is in transition, as citizen security volunteers prepare for new jobs in the service of their country.
12/29/2008 : Iraqi, Coalition Forces Uncover Enemy Weapons      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 29, 2008 - Iraqi and coalition forces uncovered several enemy weapons stockpiles in recent operations, military officials reported.
12/29/2008 : Training Opens Doors for Former ‘Sons of Iraq’  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 29, 2008 - Instructors are teaching job skills to former “Sons of Iraq” citizen security group members in southern Baghdad's Rashid district.
12/28/2008 : 2,000 Iraqis Return to Eastern Baghdad, Reclaim Homes      
BAGHDAD, Dec. 28, 2008 - Iraqi officials recently reported that more than 2,000 Iraqi families have returned to their homes in eastern Baghdad this year.
12/28/2008 : Citizens Turn Over Weapons Cache to Iraqi Soldiers      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28, 2008 - Residents of Farhitiyah, Iraq, turned over the contents of a weapons cache to a detachment of Iraqi soldiers yesterday, military officials said.
12/26/2008 : Reserve Army Lt. Gen. Visits Reserve Component Troops in Baghdad  This story contains photos.    
CAMP LIBERTY, Dec. 26, 2008 - Soldiers from the 926th Combat Engineer Brigade took advantage of an opportunity to ask questions and get answers directly from the senior leader in their chain of command, Dec. 24, 2008, at Camp Liberty’s field house.
12/26/2008 : NCO Talks to President Bush  This story contains photos.    
SHA’AB, Dec. 26, 2008 - An Army soldier serving in Iraq received a special phone call Dec. 24, 2008, and on the other end of the line was the commander-in-chief.
12/26/2008 : Strikers Christen New Chapel With Candlelight Service  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 26, 2008 - After nearly seven months of holding religious services in conference rooms, the Army Strikers at Forward Operating Base War Eagle in the Adhamiyah district of Baghdad christened their new chapel with a Christmas Eve candlelight service Dec. 24, 2008.
12/26/2008 : U.S., Iraqi Forces Seize Rocket-Delivery System in Baghdad Raid      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 26, 2008 - American and Iraqi security forces found and seized a rocket-rail system during a combined operation conducted in Baghdad’s Rashid district Dec. 25.
12/25/2008 : Iraqi Forces Discover Priceless Smuggled Treasure  This story contains photos.    
BASRA, Iraq, Dec. 25, 2008 - Iraqi Security Forces recently uncovered hundreds of historical artifacts during two raids in northern Basra. The 228 ancient artifacts included Sumerian and Babylonian sculpture, gold jewelry and other items from ancient Mesopotamia.
12/24/2008 : U.S., Iraqi Soldiers Seize Criminals, Weapons      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24, 2008 - Iraqi and U.S. soldiers apprehended suspected criminals and seized weapons caches in operations in Iraq.
12/24/2008 : General Notes Progress With Iraqi Security Forces, Interior Ministry      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24, 2008 - The military command charged with training Iraq’s security forces and the Iraqi Interior Ministry continues to make progress, a senior military official said.
12/24/2008 : Soldiers in Baghdad Celebrate Christmas With Cookies  This story contains photos.    
CAMP VICTORY, Iraq, Dec. 24, 2008 - Multinational Division Baghdad soldiers gathered at the Ironhorse Oasis Dining Facility on Camp Victory, Iraq, to celebrate the holidays in a traditional way by decorating Christmas cookies.
12/23/2008 : Duty Won’t Take Holiday as Christmas Spirit Reaches Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23, 2008 - At the 926th Engineer Brigade headquarters at Camp Liberty, Iraq, Christmas festivities are planned, but the holiday still remains another duty day for the deployed soldiers.
12/23/2008 : Coalition, Iraqi Forces Capture Suspect, Seize Weapons      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23, 2008 - Iraqi and coalition forces in Baghdad captured a man suspected in a grenade attack against a “Sons of Iraq” civilian security group, military officials said.
12/23/2008 : Soldiers Visit Public Works Substation With Baghdad’s Deputy Mayor  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 23, 2008 - U.S. soldiers and Baghdad’s deputy mayor met to discuss progress at a public works substation in the northwestern part of Baghdad.
12/22/2008 : Iraqi, Coalition Forces Detain Six Terrorist Suspects      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22, 2008 - Coalition and Iraqi security forces detained six terrorist suspects in operations, military officials said.
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