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What is LPT?

Last year we started up an organization called the Leadership Presentation Team. We send out teams to give presentations about various aspects of leadership. The central premise is that an effective leader must be an effective communicator. The organization gives midshipmen an opportunity to represent the Naval Academy, make a difference in others' lives, practice their communication skills, and learn a little about leadership on their own terms. Audiences can include but are not limited to Boy/Girl Scouts, schools, sports teams, Clubs, JROTC, Civil Air Patrol, and many other youth organizations.

Site Updates:

06 March 2007: Prepared wiki's for team members, uploaded documents.

Join Us!
Email us anytime at usna.lpt@gmail.com.

If you put a little into this organization, you will get a lot out of it. We hope to hear from you soon!

  Websmaster: 2/C Kevin Liu