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Engineering & Weapons Division

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Assoc. Prof. Brian Jenkins

Associate Chair: 

CDR Andrew McCue, USN

Executive Assistant: 

Maj Gerald Caldwell, USMC

Admin Assistant: 

ECE Dept
Contact Information: 
Electrical Engineering Department
Maury Hall room 327, Mail Stop 14B
105 Maryland Avenue
Annapolis, MD 21402-5025
(410) 293-6150   DSN 281-6150
(410) 293-3493   DSN 281-3493


Our Mission

The mission of the United States Naval Academy is to develop midshipmen morally, mentally and physically and to imbue them with the highest ideals of duty, honor, and loyalty in order to provide graduates who are dedicated to a career of naval service and have potential for future development in mind and character to assume the highest responsibilities of command, citizenship and government. The overall curriculum supports the moral and mental preparation of midshipmen providing them with the skills and knowledge they will meet to be successful as junior officers in the United States Navy and Marine Corps.

The Electrical and Computer Engineering programs support the Academy’s mission by providing midshipmen with a broad education in electrical and computer engineering subjects and a knowledge of fundamental engineering principles that enhance their ability to understand and design naval systems and to supervise the operation of these systems. The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department strives to maintain faculty, curriculum and supporting facilities which facilitates excellence in undergraduate teaching.

The Electrical and Computer Engineering programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (EAC/ABET).

 Non EE Majors wishing to change sections should first seek approval from their Academic Advisors, then see the department Executive Assistant, Maj Caldwell

January 2008 Newsletter

January 2007 Newsletter

Point of contact: Maj Christopher Mayer