OSERS: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
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RSA: What's New in RSA

new bulletFY 2009 Monitoring Info Guide and Monitoring Protocol

The State Vocational Rehabilitation and Independent Living Programs Information Guide (the Info Guide) is one of a number of sources that RSA uses to assist it to fully understand how the VR and IL programs operate within a state. RSA is sharing the FY 2009 Info Guide and the FY 2009 Monitoring Process and Protocol with state agencies and other interested parties in order to enhance the transparency of the review process and promote collaboration.

(November 11, 2008)

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Promising Practices

The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA), as part its monitoring of state vocational rehabilitation and independent living programs funded under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, together with state vocational rehabilitation agencies and their stakeholders, have identified promising practices. These are practices developed and implemented in each state for the purpose of enhancing employment and independent living outcomes for individuals with disabilities. These practices provide useful samples of programs and services and each practice is unique, based on the needs and resources available in that state.

(September 11, 2008)

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Monitoring Reports on the Vocational Rehabilitation and Independent Living Programs

Section 107 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Act), requires the commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) to conduct annual reviews and periodic on-site monitoring of programs authorized under Title I of the Act to determine whether a state vocational rehabilitation (VR) agency is complying substantially with the provisions of its state plan under Section 101 of the Act and with the Evaluation Standards and Performance Indicators established under Section 106. In addition, this monitoring process assists the commissioner in assessing the degree to which programs offered under Title VI of the Act are substantially complying with their respective state plan assurances and program requirements. In order to achieve this purpose, RSA will collect and analyze information related to performance and compliance. RSA has posted the monitoring reports.

(September 10, 2008)

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Comments Invited on Draft Measures to RSA's VR Strategic Performance Plan Goals and Objectives

RSA is developing a Vocational Rehabilitation Strategic Performance Plan for the vocational rehabilitation (VR) program in order to ensure a long-term strategic focus on program performance, performance improvement, and outcomes for individuals with significant disabilities. RSA will use this plan to guide its administration of the VR program and address its basic challenges. By identifying goals and objectives linked to specific populations and high priority outcomes, the plan will assist RSA in monitoring progress of the VR program and provide appropriate, targeted support to state agencies toward the achievement of desired outcomes.

These goals and objectives and related performance measures will provide RSA with the foundation to begin documenting practices that lead to successful outcomes for individuals with significant disabilities and transitioning youths, identify factors that may inhibit success, and identify effective practices that help accomplish the program's mission of providing high quality vocational rehabilitation services that are tailored to the needs of individuals with disabilities. RSA will use the plan to assist state VR agencies to focus their mandated planning activities on practices that will assure progress in providing high quality services for individuals with significant disabilities. Overall, the plan will promote results shaped by careful planning, monitoring of results, and implementation of strategies designed to improve performance.

download files MS Word (201K) | PDF (125K)

Previously, RSA invited comments on the Plan's draft goals and objectives. At this time RSA is inviting comments on the draft measures corresponding to the Plan's goals and objectives. Individuals and organizations that wish to submit comments on the draft measures should submit comments to the following RSA e-mail address:


For further information please contact:

Steven Zwillinger
Rehabilitation Services Administration
PCP 5066
550 12 St., SW
Washington, DC 20202



(April 30, 2008)

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State Plan For Vocational Rehabilitation Services And Supplement For Supported Employment Services

On December 17, 2007, RSA issued Information Memorandum 08–02, which transmits the State Plan for Vocational Rehabilitation Services (Plan) and Supplement for Supported Employment Services and provides state vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies with instructions for the completion and submission of the Plan for fiscal year 2009.

(December 17, 2007)

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Promising Practices

The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA), as part its monitoring of state employment and independent living programs funded under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, together with state vocational rehabilitation agencies and their stakeholders, have identified promising practices. These are practices developed and implemented in each state for the purpose of enhancing employment and independent living outcomes for individuals with disabilities. These practices provide useful samples of programs and services and each practice is unique, based on the needs and resources available in that state. The practice may work differently or produce different results in your state if you choose to replicate it.

(September 20, 2007)

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Previously posted news about RSA

| 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 |


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Last Modified: 11/10/2008