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Organization and Governance

Organizational Chart

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CRC organizational chart


A broader role for governance

Clinical Center governance changed in FY 2004, as part of an effort to promote the NIH intramural program as a model for interdisciplinary research. As recommended by the NIH Director’s Blue Ribbon Panel on the Future of Intramural Clinical Research, the former Clinical Center Board of Governors assumed a new and larger identity, becoming the NIH Advisory Board for Clinical Research. The Board will oversee all intramural clinical research, while continuing its oversight of Clinical Center resources, planning, and operations. It will play a key role in guiding the development of trans-NIH strategic planning and priority setting for intramural clinical research through the integration of Institute/ Center strategic visions and agendas. The Board’s responsibilities extend only to the intramural clinical research program, but it will also be open to new opportunities for clinical research, including high-risk, high-impact research, research in rare diseases, and interactions between intramural and extramural clinical research programs.

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