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Date:         Mon, 7 Aug 2006 06:50:15 -0400
Reply-To:     CIP Advisory Group <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       CIP Advisory Group <[log in to unmask]>
From:         Gene T Kinnaly <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Last reminder: LC CIP Survey
Comments: To: [log in to unmask]
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Dear CAG & Friends of CAG, I will be posting the reminder below to AUTOCAT, LIBADMIN, and ALA's MEMBER-FORUM later this morning. Please forward to any library- or publisher-related list to which you may subscribe (other than those listed above). If forwarded to publishers, please change the text from "libraries" to "publishers." Also, if your institution has not yet participated in the LC CIP Survey, please do so. Thanks! _____________________________________________ Last call! Please note that there are only two more weeks until the LC CIP Survey closes. If your library has not responded to the survey, please consider doing so immediately. The survey will close on August 18, 2006. _____________________________________________ The Library of Congress announces the availability of the 2006 CIP Survey for Libraries. This survey is intended for libraries - please, only one response per library - and is designed to help LC management evaluate the current Cataloging in Publication Program in this, its 35th anniversary year, as well as to inform decisions concerning the future of the CIP Program in the digital era. Your help is needed, and your feedback would be greatly appreciated. The CIP Survey for Libraries is hosted by SurveyMonkey and can be accessed via the Electronic CIP homepage: by clicking "CIP Survey for Libraries". (A counterpart survey for publishers that participate in the CIP Program is available on the ECIP homepage also.) Note that a disclaimer appears when you click "CIP Survey for Libraries" telling you that you are leaving the LC system. Click "Continue to external site" to access the survey. Thank you for your help. John Celli, Chief Cataloging in Publication Divison Library of Congress posted by: Gene Kinnaly Program Specialist Cataloging in Publication Library of Congress [log in to unmask]


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