
Program at a Glance
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Source: Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs

Program Office: Rehabilitation Services Administration

CFDA Number: 84.169A
Program Type: Formula Grants
Also Known As: State Independent Living Services, IL State Grants


This program offers formula grants to states for one or more of the following purposes:


This program supports projects that provide independent living services, directly or through grant or contract, and demonstrate ways to expand and improve them.

Additional Information

The purpose of the independent living programs is to maximize the leadership, empowerment, independence and productivity of individuals with disabilities and to integrate these individuals into the mainstream of American society. Independent living programs provide financial assistance to provide, expand and improve independent living services; develop and support statewide networks of centers for independent living and improve working relationships among state independent living rehabilitation programs, centers for independent living, Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILC), Rehabilitation Act programs outside of Title VII and other relevant federal and non-federal programs.

The independent living programs are current-funded. However, the Act contains a provision allowing all Title VII grantees to carry over unobligated funds for an additional fiscal year. States participating in the State Grants and Older Blind programs must match every $9 of federal funds with $1 in nonfederal cash or in-kind resources in the year for which the federal funds are appropriated. To be eligible for financial assistance under the Independent Living State grants or Centers for Independent Living programs, states are required to establish an SILC. Each state must also submit a state plan for independent living that is jointly developed and signed by the director of the designated state vocational rehabilitation unit(s) (DSU) and the chairperson of the SILC.

Last Modified: 09/05/2008