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Buffalo District
US Army Corps of Engineers
Canadian Hydrographic Service
Coordinated Great Lakes Physical Data - May 1977 - High Resolution PDF (~46MB)
A high resolution PDF version of the Coordinated Great Lakes Physical Data - May 1977 report.
Coordinated Great Lakes Physical Data - May 1977 - Medium Resolution PDF (~30MB)
A medium resolution PDF version of the Coordinated Great Lakes Physical Data - May 1977 report.
Coordinating Committee on Great Lakes Basic Hydraulic and Hydrologic Data
The Coordinating Committee on Great Lakes Basic Hydraulic and Hydrologic Data. The functions and members of the Coordinating Committee.
Great Lakes Information Network
International Joint Commission
International Great Lakes Datum 1985
The date, 1985, is the central year of the period 1982-1988 during which water information was collected for preparing the datum revision.
International Lake Superior Board of Control
Information regarding the Lake Superior outflow controls on the St. Marys River.
International Niagara Board of Control
Information Regarding the Structures on the Niagara River and the outflow of Lake Erie
International St. Lawrence River Board of Control
Information regarding the Lake Ontario outflow controls on the St. Lawrence River.
Lake Michigan Diversion Accounting Information Web site
The diversion of water from the Lake Michigan watershed is of major importance to the Great Lakes states and to the Canadian province of Ontario. The states and province that border the Great Lakes have concerns with the long term effects of diversion. To insure that the concerns of these interested parties are considered, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers has been given the responsibility for the accounting of flow that is diverted from the Lake Michigan watershed.
Navigation in southern Lake Michigan
The Chicago District operates and maintains eight navigation projects on the Illinois and Indiana shores of Lake Michigan. Our mission encompasses lock operations and maintenance, breakwater repair, maintenance dredging, and the collection of hydrographic survey data
National Ocean Service
Ordinary High Water Mark and Low Water Datum Information
Find the Ordinary High Water mark or Low Water Datum in your area
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Last Modified: March 27, 2007