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Great Lakes, Connecting Channels & St. Lawrence River Water Levels and Depths

The expected water levels on the Great Lakes, Connecting Channels and the St. Lawrence River, as well as the period-of-record average levels for the Great Lakes, are given in inches above (+) or below (-) Low Water Datum (LWD). LWD also known as Chart Datum is a plane of reference used on a navigation chart. The LWD elevations shown below are given on International Great Lakes Datum, 1985 (IGLD1985).

Great Lakes

Period of Record Average Levels (1900-2007)

Expected Levels

Period of Record Average Levels (1900-2007)

Expected Levels

Low Water Datum

January 5 January 5, 2009 January 20 January 20, 2009

IGLD 1985

Lake Ontario + 16 + 19 + 16 + 19 243.3
Lake Erie + 19 + 22 + 18 + 21 569.2
Lake St. Clair + 16 + 23 + 14 + 19 572.3
Lakes Michigan/Huron + 13  0 + 12  0  577.5
Lake Superior + 6 - 1 + 5 - 2  601.1

St. Lawrence River

Expected Level 
January 5
Expected Level 
January 20

Low Water Datum
IGLD 1985

Above Long Sault Dam + 52 + 48 237.9
Above Iroquois Dam + 35 + 32 240.3
Ogdensburg + 29 + 27 242.4
Alexandria Bay + 23 + 22 243.0
Head of River at Cape Vincent + 19 + 19 243.3

Detroit River

Expected Level 
January 5
Expected Level
Janurary 20

Low Water Datum
IGLD 1985

Lake Erie at Pelee Passage + 22 + 21 569.2
Mouth of River at Gibraltar + 22 + 19 569.5
Head of River above Belle Isle + 23 + 19 572.0

St. Clair River

Expected Level 
January 5
Expected Level
January 20

Low Water Datum
IGLD 1985

Mouth of River at St. Clair Flats + 23 + 19 572.3
Algonac + 18 + 15 572.8
St. Clair + 11 + 8 574.4
Blue Water Bridge + 4  + 3  576.7
Head of River at Fort Gratiot   0   0  577.2
Lake Huron Approach Channel   0  0  577.2

St. Marys River

Expected Level 
January 5
Expected Level 
January 20

Low Water Datum
IGLD 1985

Mouth of River at Detour    0    0 577.5
West & Middle Neebish + 4 +  3 577.6
Head of Little Rapids + 2 + 1  578.4
Below Locks  0 - 1 578.7
Above Locks   0  - 1 600.4
Head of River at Point Iroquois - 1 - 2 601.1

Available water depth is determined for a location by adding (if +) or subtracting (if -) the amount from the above table to the channel depth shown in the Connecting Channel Depths graphic or to the water depths shown on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration navigational charts.

CAUTION: Depths so determined are representative of a still water surface elevation, disturbed by neither wind nor other causes. Depths, however, may be reduced or increased as much as several feet for short periods of time due to these disturbances, or when sections of channels develop shoals. Vessel masters should refer to "Local Notice to Mariners" for extent of shoaling and scattered bedrock projections in all channels.

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The Detroit District US Army Corps of Engineers is a Great Lakes Information Partner

Last update: 1-02-2009

The POC for this page:

Keith W. Kompoltowicz CELRE-HH-W
477 Michigan Ave
Detroit, MI 48226

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Last Modified: January 02, 2009