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Faith-based and community-based organizations 

Faith-based and community-based organizations (FBOs/CBOs) may apply to participate in Federal nutrition programs and provide benefits directly to individuals, or may serve as informational resources by referring these individuals to other organizations and agencies that participate in the programs. 

FBOs/CBOs that provide services to children may be eligible to participate in the following Federal nutrition programs:

National School Lunch Program (NSLP)

The NSLP provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to more than 26 million children each school day. The NSLP also reimburses institutions and organizations for snacks served to children, through 18 years of age, in afterschool educational and enrichment programs. Generally, FBOs/CBOs that are nonprofit, private schools of high school grade or under, or that are nonprofit, private residential child care institutions, may be eligible to participate in the Program.

FBOs/CBOs apply to the responsible State agency for each state in which they wish to participate.

School Breakfast Program (SBP)

The SBP operates in the same manner as the National School Lunch Program. Generally, FBOs/CBOs that are nonprofit, private schools of high school grade or under, or that are nonprofit, private residential child care institutions, may be eligible to participate in the Program.

FBOs/CBOs apply to the responsible State agency for each state in which they wish to participate.

Special Milk Program (SMP)

The SMP provides milk to children in schools, child care institutions and eligible camps that do not participate in other Federal child nutrition meal service programs. The program reimburses schools and institutions for milk that they serve. Schools in the NSLP or SBP may also participate in the SMP to provide milk to children in half-day pre-kindergarten and kindergarten programs where children do not have access to the school meal programs. Generally, FBOs/CBOs that are nonprofit, private schools of high school grade or under, or that are nonprofit, private residential child care institutions, may be eligible to participate in the Program.

FBOs/CBOs apply to the responsible State agency for each state in which they wish to participate. 

Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)

The SFSP ensures that children in low-income areas continue to have access to nutritious meals during long school vacations, when they do not have access to school lunch or breakfast. A FBO/CBO that conducts a regularly scheduled program for children from areas in which poor economic conditions exist may be eligible to participate in the SFSP, if it is a nonprofit:

  • school food authority, 

  • residential summer camp, or

  • college or university that participates in the National Youth Sports Program during the months of May to September. 

Other nonprofit FBOs/CBOs are eligible to participate under certain conditions. 

FBOs/CBOs apply to the responsible State agency for each state in which they wish to participate. 


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