For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan

For European Recovery:
The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan

A Negative View of Aid to Europe

Although the Marshall Plan and other assistance programs were generally admired and considered a success, not every American supported them. In this cartoon, Clarence Batchelor cynically comments on massive U.S. aid to postwar France by showing marchers with dollar coins as heads endlessly marching through Paris's Arc de Triomphe.

"Lafayette, we are here" was a popular phrase among World War I soldiers. It was reportedly coined by General John Pershing (1860-1948) at the tomb of the Marquis de Lafayette during ceremonies on July 4, 1917. U.S. military assistance was viewed as a return for the help that Frenchmen such as Lafayette had rendered during the American Revolution. Batchelor suggests that America's post-World War II aid is an excessive repayment of the old debt.

Larence Batchelor. "Endle$$ Proce$$ion," ca. 1953. Ink and pencil on paper. Prints and Photographs Division (9)

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