For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan

For European Recovery:
The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan

Exhibition Credits

A Note on the Exhibit

This on-line exhibit contains items which will be on display in For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan at the Library of Congress from June 2-August 31, 1997. In addition, this on-line version contains the complete text of some books for which only one page could be shown at a time in the physical exhibit.


Special thanks are due to the following members of the Library of Congress staff:

John Van Oudenaren, Chief, European Division
John Haynes and Marvin Kranz, Manuscripts Division
Mary Ison and the Reading Room staff, Prints and Photographs Division
Rikki Condon, Conservation Office
Marita Clance, Photoduplication Service

Copyright Permissions for the On-Line Exhibition:

The following individuals and organizations also assisted with copyright permissions for this on-line exhibition:
Mr. Arjen vanden Berg, Embassy of the Netherlands, Washington, D.C.;
Mr. I.C.M. Wubben, Government Information Office of the Netherlands, The Hague;
Ms. Hannelore Koehler, German Information Center, New York;
Ms. Susan Green, Harvard University News Office;
Ms. Kim Arrington, Washington Post;
Mr. Donald Edwin Marcus, Sr.; Mr. Jorgen Grunnet and Ms. Ellen Pittman, Royal Danish Embassy, Washington, D.C.

Staff for the Exhibition

Interpretive Programs Office:

Irene U. Chambers, Interpretive Programs Officer; Martha E. Hopkins, Exhibit Director; Deborah Durbeck, Production Officer; Tambra Johnson Registrar; Giulia Adelfio, Carroll Johnson, Cheryl Regan, Denise Agee, and Gwynn Wilhelm .

Information Technology Services:

Lynn Brooks, Ji Lydon, Marvin Pace, and Michael Smallwood.

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