

Welcome to the National Security Space Office's Web Site


Our mission is to enable National Security Space decision-making.
The National Security Space Office (NSSO) was established in May 2004. We were formed by combining the National Security Space Architect (NSSA), the National Security Space Integration (NSSI) office, and the Transformational Communications Office (TCO). The NSSO facilitates the integration and coordination of defense, intelligence, civil, and commercial space activities. We are the only office specifically focused on cross-space enterprise issues and we provide direct support to the Air Force, National Reconnaissance Office, other Services and Agencies, Joint Staff, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, White House, and Congress, as well as other national security space stakeholders.

Five guiding principles that are critical for NSSO's success:

1) Inclusive--

embrace cross-community, "joint" DoD and IC perspectives

2) Responsive--

produce value-added products to support timely decisions

3) Objective--

be the honest broker with broad, analytically based perspectives

4) Accountable--

serve the needs of the SecDef and DNI

5) Efficient--

capitalize on agency/service activities and expertise

We rely heavily on community participation to execute our mission. This site is one method we will use to keep our customers and stakeholders informed and up to date with our efforts.
Thank you for visiting the web site of the National Security Space Office (NSSO). I welcome your comments and suggestions about the way we can make this site more useful to you.

Mr. Joseph D. Rouge
Director - NSSO

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