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Search Results: (16-18 of 18 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 98495 School Policies and Practices Affecting Instruction in Mathematics
This report describes the educational policies and practices affecting instruction in mathematics, with particular attention to the relationship between these policies and practices and student performance on the NAEP mathematics assessment. The report focuses on who teaches mathematics, what emphasis mathematics instruction receives in the schools, and what resources are available in schools that support mathematics learning.
NCES 95278 NELS:88 High School Senior's Instructional Experiences in Science and Math
This survey report examines key characteristics and explores teaching methods and practices of math and science teachers of NELS:88 Second Follow-up students.
NCES 9511 Measuring Instruction, Curriculum Content, and Instructional Resources: The Status of Recent Work
The four papers contained in this volume are four parts of a series on the status of recent work on measuring instruction, curriculum content, and instructional resources. These papers were intended to identify aspects of instruction, to analyze the approaches used by several leading studies, and to describe the implications of recent work for NCES data collection effors related to the opportunity to learn.
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