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Real Estate Services

Vic Kotwicki
Chief, Real EstateOffice

US Army Corps of Engineers
477 Michigan Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48226

Telephone: 313-226-3480
Fax: 313-226-2118

The Real Estate Division serves as a technical office responsible to the District Commander for staff leadership, assistance, coordination, direction and review of all Real Estate activities of the Detroit and Buffalo Districts. The Division is involved in several efforts including the acquisition, management and disposal of lands, relocation of businesses and displaced persons. We offer a full array of services, such as appraisal, title work, property ownership identification, environmental property audits, rights-of-entry, legal descriptions and real estate drawings. Real Estate establishes cost schedules for planning purposes, acquires real estate interests for civil works projects, approves local sponsor requests for lands, easements and rights-of-ways, and takes necessary action involving relocation, abandonment and condemned properties. The Division manages all federally owned civil works projects under the administrative jurisdiction of the Department of the Army in six states. This effort authorizes fair market rental rates for government-owned quarters on real property and prepares environmental, historical and cultural documentation for leases, easements, licenses and permits. Real Estate also disposes Government owned properties determined to be excess by the needs of the Army. Our Division has provided Real Estate support to the Department of Defense, the Environmental Protection Agency, Veterans Administration, Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and state and local governmental entities.

Real Estate Staff

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Last Modified: May 12, 2005