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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2005025 Digest of Education Statistics, 2003
The Digest of Education Statistics provides a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. Topics in the Digest include: the number of schools and colleges; teachers; enrollments; graduates; educational attainment; finances; federal funds for education; employment and income of graduates; libraries; technology; and international comparisons.
NCES 2004011 Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools and Classrooms: 1994-2002
This report presents data on Internet access in U.S. public schools from 1994 to 2002 by school characteristics. It provides trend analysis on the progress of public schools and classrooms in connecting to the Internet and on the ratio of students to instructional computers with Internet access. For the year 2002, this report also presents data on the types of Internet connections used; student access to the Internet outside of regular school hours; laptop computer loans; hand-held computers for students and teachers; and school Web sites. It also contains information on computer hardware, software, and Internet support and Web site support at the school; teacher professional development on how to integrate the use of the Internet into the curriculum; and technologies and procedures to prevent student access to inappropriate material on the Internet.
NCES 2004014 Computer and Internet Use by Children and Adolescents in 2001
This report, Computer and Internet Use by Children and Adolescents in 2001, uses data from the September Computer and Internet Use supplement to the 2001 Current Population Survey to examine the use of computers and the Internet by American children and adolescents between the ages of 5 and 17. The report examines the overall rate of use, the ways in which children and teens use the technologies, where the use occurs (home, school, and other locations), and the relationships of these aspects of computer and Internet use to demographic and socioeconomic characteristics such as children’s age and race/ethnicity and their parents’ education and family income.
NCES 2003039 Internet Access in Public Schools, Fall 2000 (FRSS 79): Public Use Data Files
This file contains data from a 2000 quick-response survey, "Survey on Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools, Fall 2000" (FRSS 79). The survey was completed by school officials at elementary and secondary public schools. These officials were asked about Internet access and other information technology resources at their schools. Questions covered availability of computers, school and classroom level Internet access, acceptable use policies, access to technology after school hours, whether or not particular groups within the school (i.e., administrative staff, teachers, students, students with disabilities) were able to access the Internet, number of computers on site, speed of Internet connection, sources of technology funding, school personnel for advanced telecommunications support, and availability of special software and hardware for students with disabilities.
NCES 2003381 Weaving a Secure Web Around Education: A Guide to Technology Standards and Security
Weaving a Secure Web Around Education: A Guide to Technology Standards and Security is a publication of the National Center For Education Statistics' National Forum on Education Statistics. This publication provides recommendations for development, maintenance, and standardization for effective web sites.
NCES 2003036 Young Children’s Access to Computers in the Home and at School in 1999 and 2000
This report uses data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998–99 (ECLS-K) kindergarten and first grade data collections to examine young children’s access to and use of computers in different settings. It describes children’s access to various computer resources (e.g., school computer labs, Internet access) in their homes, classrooms, and schools. The report also looks at the ways in which kindergartners and first-graders use computers in their homes and classrooms for various purposes. Descriptive information is presented overall and in relation to children’s sex, race/ethnicity, disability status, and family socioeconomic status. Children’s classroom computer use is also compared by several characteristics of their teachers and classrooms.
NCES 2002018 Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools and Classrooms: 1994-2001
This report presents data on Internet access in U.S. public schools from 1994 to 2001 by school characteristics. It provides trend analysis on the progress of public schools and classrooms in connecting to the Internet and on the ratio of students to instructional computers with Internet access. For the year 2001, this report also presents data on the types of Internet connections used; student access to the Internet outside of regular school hours; laptop computer loans; and operating systems, memory capacity and disk space found most frequently on instructional computers. It also contains information on special hardware and software for students with disabilities, school-sponsored e-mail addresses, school Web sites, and technologies and procedures to prevent student access to inappropriate material on the Internet.
NCES 2002029 Beyond School-Level Internet Access: Support for Instructional Use of Technology
This brief uses information collected from teachers in 1999 about their use of technology and the Internet in school. The analyses look at the extent of reported teacher use by extent of support and training offered to teachers and by characteristics of the school such as minority enrollment and poverty status.
NCES 2002130 Digest of Education Statistics, 2001
The Digest of Education Statistics provides a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. Topics in the Digest include: the number of schools and colleges; teachers; enrollments; graduates; educational attainment; finances; federal funds for education; employment and income of graduates; libraries; technology; and international comparisons.
NCES 2001072 The Condition of Education, 2001
The Condition of Education summarizes important developments and trends in education using the latest available data. The report, which is required by law, is an indicator report intended for a general audience of readers who are interested in education. The indicators represent a consensus of professional judgment on the most significant national measures of the condition and progress of education for which accurate data are available. The 2001 print edition includes 59 indicators in six main areas: (1) enrollment trends and student characteristics at all levels of the education system from preprimary education to adult learning; (2) student achievement and the longer term, enduring effects of education; (3) student effort and rates of progress through the educational system among different population groups; (4) the quality of elementary and secondary education in terms of courses taken, teacher characteristics, and other factors; (5) the context of postsecondary education; (6) and societal support for learning, including parental and community support for learning, and public and private financial support of education at all levels. Also in the 2001 edition is a special focus essay on the access, persistence, and success of first-generation students in postsecondary education.
NCES 2001071 Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools and Classrooms: 1994-2000
This Statistics in Brief presents data on Internet access in U.S. public schools from 1994 to 2000 by school characteristics. It provides trend analysis on the progress of public schools and classrooms in connecting to the Internet, the ratio of students to instructional computers and to instructional computers with Internet access, and the types of Internet connections used. It also provides, for the year 2000, information on student access to the Internet outside of regular school hours and on schools' acceptable-use policies.
NCES 2001034 Digest of Education Statistics, 2000
The Digest of Education Statistics provides a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. Topics in the Digest include: the number of schools and colleges; teachers; enrollments; graduates; educational attainment; finances; federal funds for education; employment and income of graduates; libraries; technology; and international comparisons.
NCES 2001037 Advanced Telecommunications in U.S. Private Schools: 1998-99
Findings from the Survey on Advanced Telecommunications in U.S. Private Schools: 1998-99 show an increase in computer and Internet availability in private schools since the survey was first conducted in 1995. For example, the number of students per computer decreased from nine to six, the proportion of private schools connected to the Internet increased from 25 to 67 percent, and the proportion of instructional rooms in private schools that were connected to the Internet increased from 5 percent to 25 percent. However, compared to public schools, private schools reported more students per instructional computer with Internet access, they were less likely to be connected to the Internet, and they reported proportionately fewer instructional rooms with Internet access. Data on the use of advanced telecommunications indicate that 45 percent of all private school teachers regularly used computers and/or advanced telecommunications for teaching in 1998-99, and almost two-thirds of all private schools offered or participated in some type of advanced telecommunications training for teachers.
NCES 2000062 The Condition of Education, 2000
The Condition of Education is an indicator report, summarizing the health of education, monitoring important developments, and showing trends in major aspects of education. The 65 indicators included examine relationships; show changes over time; compare or contrast sub-populations, regions, or countries; or assess characteristics of students from different backgrounds and types of schools. An indicator is policy relevant and problem oriented; it typically incorporates a standard against which to judge progress or regression. Please remember, however, that indicators are not intended to identify causes or solutions, and cannot individually by themselves provide a completely comprehensive view of conditions in education.
NCES 2000030 Trends in Educational Equity of Girls & Women
This report responds to a Congressional mandate to assemble a series of indicators that examine the extent to which males and females have access to the same educational opportunities. These 44 indicators looks at how males and females avail themselves equally of these opportunities, perform at the same level, succeed at the same rate, and obtain the same benefits.
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