Frequently Asked Questions



Can I reserve a specific camp site at Georgetown Lake?

No. Georgetown Lake is non-site specific which means you are only guaranteed a site when you make a reservation. When you arrive at the campground, you may have any site that is clean and available.


If I make multiple reservations, may I choose all of my sites together when I arrive?

You may only do this if you have an adult present with you for each site reserved. Only 1 occupied tag is issued per person no matter how many reservations you have.


What facilities are available for a family reunion?

Georgetown Lake has several group shelters at Russell Park which may be rented for family reunions. There is also a large pavilion located in the Nature Center area which may be rented from Georgetown Parks and Recreation.


Government property:

Can I collect artifacts such as arrowheads at Georgetown Lake?

Artifact collection, digging, or vandalizing/looting archaelogical sites is strictly prohibited and carries fines up to $25,000.


Where do I report illegal dumping on Government property?

Report any illegal dumping to the Project Office at 512-930-5253.


Where can I operate my ORV on Corps land at Georgetown Lake?

At this time, there are no off road vehicles allowed anywhere on Corps at Georgetown Lake.

What is the policy on metal detectors?

Metal detectors may be used only on the Russell Park swim beach to recover lost articles.


What is the policy on geocaching?

Geocaching is allowed in most areas. No digging is allowed. Contact the Project Office for further details at 512-930-5253.



How can my son or daughter volunteer a project for Eagle Scout or Gold Award?

Contact Park Ranger David Drain or Olen Burditt at 512-930-2283 for information on availability of projects.


How can I volunteer for cleanup projects at Georgetown Lake?

Contact Park Ranger David Drain or Olen Burditt at 512-930-2283 for information on availability of projects.

This site last updated on April 26, 2007