Welcome to ED.gov

Our award-winning website highlights No Child Left Behind and integrates NCLB and ed.gov information.

A guided video tour of the website is now available.

Features of the website include:

Program information is easier to find. You can sort ED programs by title, subject, assistance type, or eligibility. You'll see the purpose, funding status, eligibility, regulations, guidance, and contacts for each program in an easy-to-use format.

If you frequented our previous website, you'll find familiar information about ED—publications, ED budget, organizational structure of ED (offices), and job openings. You can still search not only the ED website, but all ED-funded websites—regional labs, research centers, special education and rehabilitative services centers, and more.

You'll also find links to...

To keep up with breaking ED news, you may want to subscribe to some of our newsletters.

Thanks for visiting. If you have comments or questions about the site, the Department, or our programs, please let us know.

Last Modified: 09/19/2007