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Carol M. White Physical Education Program
This program provides grants to initiate, expand, and improve physical education programs for K-12 students in order to help them make progress toward meeting .. (Apr 26, 2007)
21st Century Community Learning Centers
The 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program was established by Congress to award grants to rural and inner-city public schools, or .. (Aug 18, 2003)
Native Hawaiian Education
This program's purpose is to authorize and develop innovative educational programs to assist Native Hawaiians. (Aug 13, 2003)
Title I, Section 1116(e): Supplemental Educational Services Guidance (MS Word)
Title I, Section 1116(e): Supplemental Educational Services Guidance (MS Word) Supplemental Educational Services Non-Regulatory Guidance .. (Oct 25, 2006)
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See Also See Also:
Veterans Education
English Literacy and Civics Education
Adult Education Basic Grants to States
Parent Education
Continuing Education
English Literacy and Civics Education Demonstration Grants
Workforce Investment Act of 1998
Adult Basic Education
Community Technology Centers
Adult Vocational Education
National Leadership Activities
Student Loan Programs
High School Equivalency Programs
Immersion Programs
Breakfast Programs
Lunch Programs
Health Insurance
Traditionally Underserved Populations
Secretary's Corner No Child Left Behind Higher Education American Competitiveness Meet the Secretary
No Child Left Behind
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