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Search Results: (1-15 of 134 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
WWC IRDPWT09 Wyman Teen Outreach Program
The Wyman Teen Outreach Program (TOP) is a life skills curriculum for 12- to 17-year-olds that aims to prevent negative youth behaviors, such as school failure and early pregnancy. Trained facilitators deliver the curriculum in weekly classes throughout the school year. Participants discuss topics such as goal-setting, peer pressure, relationship dynamics, values, and communication skills. The program can be integrated with a school's existing curriculum, or offered as an in-school elective, or an after-school program. During the program year, teens enrolled in TOP must also plan and carry out a community service project. These projects require a minimum of 20 hours of service and can include activities such as fund raisers, graffiti removal, tutoring, volunteering at food pantries, petition drives, or other student-initiated activities.
WWC IRECECC09 Curiosity Corner
Curiosity Corner is an early childhood curriculum emphasizing children's language and literacy skills. It comprises two sets of 38 weekly thematic units—one for three-year-olds and one for four-year-olds. Program staff conduct daily lessons using sequential daily activities.
WWC QRSU1208 WWC Quick Review of the Report "Supporting Literacy Across the Sunshine State: A Study of Florida Middle School Reading Coaches"
This study examined the effects on student test scores of hiring reading coaches to work with middle school teachers. The program was funded through the statewide Just Read, Florida! (JRF) literacy initiative.
WWC QRIT1208 WWC Quick Review of the Report "The Impact of Two Professional Development Interventions on Early Reading Instruction and Achievement"
This study examined the effect of the Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) professional development curriculum on the reading achievement of second graders.
WWC IRBRLP08 Lindamood Phonemic Sequencing (LiPS)®
The Lindamood Phonemic Sequencing (LiPS)® program (formerly called the Auditory Discrimination in Depth® [ADD] program) is designed to teach students skills to decode words and to identify individual sounds and blends in words. Initial activities engage students in discovering the lip, tongue, and mouth actions needed to produce specific sounds. After students are able to produce, label, and organize the sounds, subsequent activities in sequencing, reading, and spelling use the oral aspects of sounds to identify and order them within words. The program also offers direct instruction in letter patterns, sight words, and context clues in reading. The LiPS® program is individualized to meet students’ needs and is often used with students who have learning disabilities or reading difficulties. The version of the program tested here involved computer-supported activities.
WWC IRBRHMI08 Houghton Mifflin: Invitations to Literacy
Houghton Mifflin: Invitations to Literacy, developed by the Houghton Mifflin Company, is an integrated K–8 reading and language arts program. The philosophy behind the program is that literacy instruction should stimulate, teach, and extend the communication and thinking skills that will allow students to become effective readers, writers, communicators, and lifelong learners. The program is structured around themes. It includes hands-on activities that allow students to collaborate or share information on a theme-related project with other classrooms around the world (for example, participating in a collaborative poem-writing exercise) and virtual field trips to Internet sites that have content, activities, and projects related to the theme.
WWC QRTS1208 Teaching Science as a Language: A Content-First Approach to Science Teaching
This study examined whether teaching scientific concepts using everyday language before introducing scientific terminology improves the understanding of these concepts.

The study included 49 students—30 who spoke Spanish at home and 19 who spoke English at home—from one fifth-grade classroom in Oakland, California.

All students took a four-hour web-based lesson on photosynthesis developed by the study authors. Twenty-five students were randomly selected to take a version that explained scientific concepts using everyday language before introducing scientific terminology. The other 24 took a version that used scientific terminology from the outset.

At the end of the lesson, the study authors used a test they developed to assess students' conceptual understanding of photosynthesis.
WWC QREK1108 Evaluation of the Kansas City CDF Freedom Schools® Initiative
This study examined whether Children's Defense Fund (CDF) Freedom Schools® improve students' reading assessment scores.

More than 3,000 kindergarten through eighth grade students in Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri participated in the study. These children attended one of 18 Kansas City churches that hosted the CDF Freedom Schools® during the summers of 2005 through 2007.

The study examined data from standardized reading assessments that were collected during the first and last week of each summer session.

The study examined changes in reading assessment scores separately for 2,638 students who participated in the CDF Freedom Schools® program and for 508 students who did not participate in the program.
WWC IRBRRR08 Reading Recovery®
Reading Recovery® is a short-term tutoring intervention intended to serve the lowest-achieving (bottom 20%) first-grade students. The goals of Reading Recovery® are to promote literacy skills, reduce the number of first-grade students who are struggling to read, and prevent long-term reading difficulties. Reading Recovery®supplements classroom teaching with one-to-one tutoring sessions, generally conducted as pull-out sessions during the school day. Tutoring, which is conducted by trained Reading Recovery® teachers, takes place daily for 30 minutes over 12–20 weeks.
WWC IRMSMT08 MathThematics
MathThematics is a mathematics curriculum for grades 6 through 8 that combines activity-based, discovery learning with direct instruction. The textbook for each grade level has eight instructional modules, with each module focused on a theme. Open-ended questions and projects are utilized throughout the curriculum to assess problem-solving skills and the ability to communicate mathematically.
WWC IRBRAR08 Accelerated Reader
The Accelerated Reader program is a guided reading intervention in which teachers are closely involved with student reading of text. It involves two components, the Accelerated Reader software and Accelerated Reader Best Classroom Practices (formerly called Reading Renaissance). The Accelerated Reader software is a computerized supplementary reading program. Accelerated Reader relies on independent reading practice as a way of managing student performance by providing students and teachers feedback from quizzes based on books the students read. Accelerated Reader Best Classroom Practices are a set of recommended principles on guided independent reading (or teachers’ direction of students’ interactions with text) that ensure Accelerated Reader is implemented with integrity.
WWC IRECRS08 Ready, Set, Leap!®
Ready, Set, Leap!® is a preschool curriculum that focuses on early reading skills, such as phonemic awareness, letter knowledge, and letter–sound correspondence, using multisensory technology that incorporates touch, sight, and sound. Teachers may adopt either a theme-based or a literature-based teaching approach, and for each approach, the curriculum provides lesson plans, learning objectives, and assessment tools.
WWC IRMSAM08 Accelerated Math
Accelerated Math, published by Renaissance Learning, is a software tool used to customize assignments and monitor progress in math for students in grades 1–12. The Accelerated Math software creates individualized assignments aligned with state standards and national guidelines, scores student work, and generates reports on student progress. The software can be used in conjunction with the existing math curriculum to add practice components and potentially aid teachers in differentiating instruction through the program’s progress-monitoring data. Studies in this review assess the effectiveness of Accelerated Math as part of a school’s core math curriculum.
WWC 2008012 Reducing Behavior Problems in the Elementary School Classroom
Designed for elementary school educators and school- and district-level administrators, this guide offers prevention, implementation, and schoolwide strategies that can be used to reduce problematic behavior that interferes with the ability of students to attend to and engage fully in instructional activities.
WWC 20084025 Dropout Prevention
Geared toward educators, administrators, and policymakers, this guide provides recommendations that focus on reducing high school dropout rates. Strategies presented include identifying and advocating for at-risk students, implementing programs to improve behavior and social skills, and keeping students engaged in the school environment.
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