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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2006351 Education Longitudinal Study: 2002/2004 Restricted-Use Base-Year, First Follow-up, and High School Transcript Data Files and Electronic Codebook System
This ELS:2002/2004 CD includes the restricted-use base-year, first follow-up, and high school transcript data, and the electronic codebook. The data documentation is also included on the CD. The data documentation is also restricted use. This study is designed to monitor a national sample of young people as they progress from tenth grade through high school and on to postsecondary education and/or the world of work.
NCES 2007159 Where Are They Now? A Description of 1992-93 Bachelor's Degree Recipients 10 Years Later
Using data from the 2003 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:93/03), this report provides an overview of the status of 1992–93 college graduates 10 years after graduation. The report presents highlights of these college graduates’ lives in 2003 in five areas—education after the bachelor’s degree, labor force participation, opinions about their undergraduate education, family status, and civic participation. In addition to presenting a basic profile of graduates’ lives in 2003, the report is also intended as a broad introduction to the kinds of data available in B&B:93/03. A table compendium with five sections corresponding to the five areas above provides additional detail about how graduate characteristics are associated with the highlighted outcomes as well as related experiences in each area. The estimates in this report represent about 1.2 million bachelor’s degree completers from 1992–93.
NCSER 20063004 An Overview of Findings From Wave 2 of the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2)
In 2001, the U.S. Department of Education funded the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2) to provide a national picture of the characteristics, experiences, and outcomes of secondary school students with disabilities as they transition to young adulthood. NLTS2 includes a sample of more than 11,000 youth who were ages 13 through 16 and receiving special education services in seventh grade or above in the 2000-2001 school year. The sample is nationally representative of youth with disabilities as a group and youth in each of the 12 federal special education disability categories in use for students in the NLTS2 age range. Data are being collected in five waves over a 9-year period and include information from parents, youth, school staff, and school records. NLTS2 is the only source of information on such key aspects of youths' experiences as their academic achievement, school completion, and postsecondary education and employment.
NCES 2006043 Age 2: Findings From the 2-Year-Old Follow-up of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B)
This E.D. TAB is the first report produced using data from the second round of data collection for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B), a study of a nationally representative sample of children born in the year 2001. The report provides descriptive information about these children when they were about 2 years old. It presents information on selected child and family characteristics, on children’s mental and physical skills, on children's attachment relationships with their primary caregivers, on their first experiences in child care, and on their fathers. The report profiles data for this population of children both overall and for various subgroups (i.e., males and females, children from different racial/ethnic groups, poor and nonpoor children, and children living in different types of families).
NCES 2006044 Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B) Longitudinal 9-Month-2-Year Restricted-Use Data File and Electronic Codebook
This CD-ROM contains an electronic codebook (ECB), a restricted-use data file, and survey and ECB documentation for the first and second waves of data collection for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS–B). NOTE: This file contains all cases that have participated in the ECLS-B, i.e., cases that participated in both the 9-month and 2-year collections, as well as cases that participated at 9 months but were nonrespondents at 2 years. This longitudinal file replaces the previously released 9-month cross-sectional restricted-use file. Users who are interested only in the 9-month data should use the 9-month data on this longitudinal file.
NCES 95752 NAEP 1990 National and Long-Term Trend Assessments (Student, Teacher, and School Data): Restricted-Use Data Files
This CD-ROM contains data and documentation files for the 1990 national main assessments and the bridge assessments. The national main assessments were conducted for reading, mathematics, and science at ages 9, 13, and 17, and the corresponding modal grades 4, 8, and 12. The bridge studies were conducted at the same ages/grades in reading, mathematics, writing, and science to provide links to results from previous assessments. Included on the CD-ROM is a User’s Guide provided in electronic portable document format (PDF). This guide contains information on the contents and use of the data files on this disk as well as the assessment design and its implications for analysis. NAEP datasets from 2002 onward require a Tool Kit with the updated NAEPEX. Your organization must apply for and be granted a restricted-use data license in order to obtain these data.
NCES 95754 NAEP 1992 National and Long-Term Trend Assessments (Student, Teacher, and School Data): Restricted-Use Data Files
This CD-ROM contains data and documentation files for the 1992 national main assessments in reading, mathematics, and writing, in addition to the long-term trend assessments, and three special studies. National samples were drawn of students ages 9, 13, and 17 and of the corresponding modal grades 4, 8, and 12 for the national main assessments. Long-term trend studies were performed at the same grades/ages in reading, mathematics, writing, and science to provide links to results from previous assessments. A subsample of fourth-grade students taking part in the reading assessment was selected for a study of oral reading ability. A special study was conducted at age 9/grade 4 to determine the possible effects of changing the type of calculator used in the mathematics assessment. In addition, as part of a special study of school-based writing, NAEP collected writing papers from random samples of fourth- and eighth-grade students participating in the writing assessment. Included on the CD-ROM is a User’s Guide provided in electronic portable document format (PDF). This guide contains information on the contents and use of the data files on this disk as well as the assessment design and its implications for analysis. NAEP datasets from 2002 onward require a Tool Kit with the updated NAEPEX. Your organization must apply for and be granted a restricted-use data license in order to obtain these data.
NCES 97477 NAEP 1994 National and Long-Term Trend Assessments: Restricted-Use Data Files
This CD-ROM contains data and documentation files for the main 1994 national assessment and the 1994 long-term trend assessments. The national main assessments were conducted for reading, geography, and U.S. history at grades 4, 8, and 12. The long-term trend studies were conducted in reading, mathematics, writing, and science to provide links to results from previous assessments. A User’s Guide is provided in electronic portable document format (PDF). This document contains information on the contents and use of the data files as well as the assessment design and its implications for analysis. NAEP datasets from 2002 onward require a Tool Kit with the updated NAEPEX. Your organization must apply for and be granted a restricted-use data license in order to obtain these data.
NCSER 20063001 Facts from NLTS2: General Education Participation and Academic Performance of Students With Learning Disabilities
The National Center for Special Education Research at the Institute of Education Sciences has released a brief report from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2. This report focuses on youth, ages 14-18 and classified as having learning disabilities, who were receiving special education services during the 2000-01 school year.
NCES 92088 National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 First Follow-up: Student Component Data File User's Manual Volume II
These NELS:88 files contain data on NELS:88 first follow-up students and schools. The student file also contains dropout data for those students who left school. The user manual will familiarize data users and others with the procedures followed for data collection and processing and provide necessary documentation for use of the files. Volume II of this 2 volume user manual series on the First Follow-UP: Student Component Data File is a companion to User’s Manual Volume I NCES 92-030. Volume I includes technical information and Appendices A through L. Volume II includes questionnaires used in the survey in appendices M though W.
NCES 2006328 The Adult Lives of At-Risk Students: The Roles of Attainment and Engagement in High School
Previous analysis of NELS:88 data found that students who are at-risk of school failure, but who are engaged and participate in school, achieve educational success. The 1993 study was a cross-sectional examination of the differences among successful versus unsuccessful students at-risk of school failure, particularly with respect to participation and engagement in school. The current study is a longitudinal investigation of the power of participating in high school and later educational outcomes. High school noncompleters, with the highest level of academic risk, stood out in each case. In postsecondary education programs, noncompleters earned the fewest credits; the mean number of credits earned by noncompleters who entered a postsecondary program was 17.0, compared to 49.4 credits for marginal completers and 87.8 credits for successful completers. High school noncompleters were less likely to be employed in 2000 (77 percent) than were successful completers (88 percent) or marginal completers (86 percent).
NCES 2006031 Teacher Qualifications, Instructional Practices, and Reading and Mathematics Gains of Kindergartners
This Research and Development (R&D) report uses data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K) to explore relationships between kindergarten teachers' reports of their qualifications and instructional practices and direct assessments of children's reading and mathematics achievement during the kindergarten year. Using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), the study estimated the degree to which specific aspects of teacher training-the teaching credential and coursework in pedagogy-and teaching experience were associated with student achievement. In addition, the study identified teacher-reported instructional practices associated with student achievement gains and examined the qualifications of teachers and aspects of teacher training that were related to the use of these practices. Spending more time on subject and working within a full-day kindergarten structure were found to be associated with relatively large gains in achievement. Also, certain teacher background variables—particularly the self-reported amount of coursework in methods of teaching reading and mathematics—were positively related to the teacher-reported frequency of various instructional practices that in turn were associated with higher achievement.
NCES 2006038 Fifth Grade: Findings from the Fifth-Grade Follow-Up of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99
This report highlights children’s gains in reading and mathematics over their first 6 years of school, from the start of kindergarten to the time when most of the children are completing fifth grade. It also describes children’s achievement in reading, mathematics, and science at the end of fifth grade. Comparisons are made in relation to children’s sex, race/ethnicity, family characteristics (e.g., family type, poverty status, primary home language), the types of schools attended (i.e., public or private), and residential and school mobility. While all children showed progress, learning gaps persisted. Certain family background variables were found to be associated with reading and mathematics achievement, for example, poverty status and mother's highest level of education. Children living in poverty in all rounds of data collection scored lower in both reading and mathematics, on average, than students who moved into and out of poverty during the same period. Children whose mothers had not completed high school scored lower than children whose mothers had a bachelor's or higher degree. Boys were more likely than girls to score in the highest third of the distribution of mathematics achievement scores. It is the fifth in a series of reports from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99.
NCES 2005303 What is the Status of High School Athletes 8 Years after Their Senior Year?
This report examines the status of high school athletes 8 years after their senior year in high school. Using a representative sample of sophomores in 1990, who were seniors in 1992, from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88), this report provides information on 1990–1992 high school athletes’ educational, labor market, and health status in the year 2000, eight years after their scheduled high school graduation. Outcomes for persons who reported participating in high school athletics are compared to outcomes for persons who reported not participating in high school athletics. In addition, outcomes among persons who participated in high school athletics at different levels of participation—as elite athletes (team captains or most valuable players [MVPs] in 1990 or 1992), varsity athletes, and junior varsity (JV)/intramural athletes—are compared. The results of a hierarchical multiple regression analysis, to investigate the independent association between high school athletic participation and outcomes later in life—are also reported.
NCES 2005174 1992-93 Bachelor's Degree Recipients and Their Opinions About Education in 2003
The E.D. TAB is the first publication using data from the final follow-up of the 1993/03 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:93/03). Students who completed their bachelor's degree in 1993 were identified and contacted for follow-up interviews in 1994, 1997 and 2003. This report presents the percentages of students who reported important relationships between their undergraduate education and their lives in 2003; the percentages who enrolled for further postsecondary study; and their satisfaction with graduate study.
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