Ask the Corps


Pentwater Harbor's wave absorbers were completed in May of 2001. Pentwater's absorbers are on both the north and south jetties placed directly across from one another. Both are approximately 200 feet long and 30-40 feet wide with 2.5-5 ton armor stone, 1000-1500 lb underlayer stone and 1 to 50 lb bedding stone. All stone is placed at a 2H:1V slope. They are open to wave interaction on both the lake and channel sides, with a concrete walkway in the middle supported by H-piles. The predominant wave direction, in deep water, for Pentwater is out of the south-southwest. A detailed study including physical and numerical modeling is currently underway for this harbor. The response from the local residents has been positive concerning the effectiveness of the wave absorber cells. The project depth is 16 feet.

Recent Aerial Photo

Wave Absorber Cross Section

None available

Wave Rose

Wave Absorber Location Map

This map shows harbors and locations that have additional wave absorber information available. Light blue dots are shallow draft harbors. Dark blue dots are deep draft harbors. Click on the name of a location to get additional wave absorber information for that location.

Ontonagon Charlevoix Portage Lake Two Rivers Pentwater White Lake Saugatuck
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