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Stakeholder Participation

Recognizing the importance of stakeholder involvement in the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Study, the study’s Management Team has given high priority to a stakeholder engagement strategy that will solicit input from a broad range of regional interests.

Partnering, as facilitators of the “stakeholder engagement” function are the Great Lakes Commission based in Ann Arbor, Michigan and the St. Lawrence Economic Development Council (SODES) of Quebec City. The two agencies have long worked together as co-secretariats of the International Association of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Mayors and represent a combined 68 years of involvement in Great Lakes/St. Lawrence issues.

The Management Team believes that these two entities working together in a manner similar to their existing partnership will provide an effective mechanism to solicit stakeholder feedback.

The broad mandates to the stakeholder consultation team are to:

1. Solicit stakeholders’ knowledge and expertise, especially as relates to marine transport in the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence system.

2. Consult the public on the study’s process, content, objectives, and milestones.

3. Provide ample opportunity for input from all Great Lakes/St. Lawrence interest sectors.

Among stakeholder groups being invited to participate are the U.S. and Canadian marine transportation community and the industries it serves; states, provinces and local governments; First Nations and tribes; environmental stewardship organizations; universities and research entities; and economic development agencies.

The core of the consultation process will be a series of meetings to be held at a variety of locations in Canada and the U.S. early this summer. Dates, times and locations of the sessions will be announced soon, and will be posted on a soon-to-be activated bi-national Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Study Web site.

The consultation schedule is being expedited so there is sufficient time for stakeholder input to be processed by the study teams (environmental, economics and engineering) as they develop their final products. A “front-loaded” consultation process will also allow teams time to follow up with certain stakeholder groups for additional information if necessary.

In addition to the consultation sessions, stakeholders will be able to submit written briefs to the stakeholder facilitators.

Contacts for stakeholder facilitation are:

David L. Knight

Great Lakes Commission

Eisenhower Corporate Park

2805 S. Industrial Hwy.

Suite 100

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104-6791

Phone: 734-971-9135

Fax:  734-971-9150


Marc Gagnon

St. Lawrence Economic Development Council

150, rue Dalhousie

C.P. 2268

Québec, (Québec) G1K 7P7

Phone: 418-648-4572

Fax: 418-648-4627


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Last Modified: June 27, 2006