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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Documented Historical Landslide Dams
North Fork Toutle River; Spirit Lake
Mount St. Helens, Washington

-- John E. Costa and Robert L. Schuster, 1991,
Documented Historical Landslide Dams from Around the World: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-239, 486p.

North Fork Toutle River; Spirit Lake

  • Country: United States
  • Subdivision: Washington, Skamania County
  • Date of dam: 1980, 5/18
  • River or Lake: North Fork Toutle River; Spirit Lake
  • Type of landslide: Avalanche, debris
  • Trigger: Volcanic eruption
  • Landslide volume (cubic meters): 2,800,000,000
  • Dam type: III
  • Dam height (meters): 69
  • Dam length (meters): ?
  • Dam width (meters): ?
  • Lake length (meters): 5,000
  • Lake volume (cubic meters): 330,000,000 (August 1982)
  • Time to failure (days): Did not fail
  • Failure mechanism: -
  • Breach dimensions: -
  • Controls: Lake lowered by pumping; construction of diversion tunnel.
  • Dam materials: Volcanic debris from Mount St. Helens
  • References: Schuster, 1985; Meyer and others, 1986.
  • Comments: Permanent volume of lake is 259,000,000 cubic meters.

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10/01/01, Lyn Topinka