- Surveillance
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What's New

Caribbean public health authorities propose to eliminate vertical transmission of HIV and syphilis by 2015
Public health authorities, HIV and Maternal and Child Health experts concluded that it is feasible to eliminate the vertical transmission of HIV and syphilis in the Caribbean by 2015.

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Situation Reports


New Approaches to HIV Prevention


Toward Universal Access to HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment: 3 by 5 Report for the Americas


Regional HIV/STI Plan for the Health Sector 2006-2015

Guidelines and Manuals


Guidelines for the Implementation of Reliable and Efficient Diagnostic


Guide for TB/HIV Counselling and Testing in Tuberculosis Programs


PAHO HIV Related Language Update 2006


A guide to monitoring and evaluating HIV/AIDS care and support

Product Types and/or Keywords:
Product Types (register under only one):
Situation Reports, Country Profiles, Forms, Guidelines and Manuals, Health Profiles and Data, Statistical Databases, Other Databases
Keywords (no limit, or key in Product type/s in keyword field for cross-referencing): Surveillance features AIDS AND STI, Annual status reports, Incidence/Mortality/Fatality, Incidence and disease registries, Resistance surveillance, Epidemiological surveillance systems, Geographic information systems, Groups affected, Risk factors/behaviors, Outbreaks