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Title:  Schools and Staffing Survey: Student Records Questionnaire: School Year 1993-94, With Special Emphasis on American Indians and Alaska Native Students
Description: This E.D. TAB uses data from the component of SASS called the Student Records Questionnaire. The data for the Student Records Questionnaire were collected from public school, private schools, and schools funded by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The purpose of the Student Records component of SASS was to collect data that can be used to examine the distribution of school programs and quality teachers among students of differing demographic and academic characteristics and to describe the participation of students in school programs and services.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: May 1997
Web Release: May 15, 1997
Print Release: May 15, 1997
Publication #: NCES 97449
General Ordering Information
Center/Program: NCES
Authors: Summer Whitener and Kerry Gruber (NCES) and Hilda Lynch, Carol Rohr, and Kate Tingos (Pinkerton Computer Consultants, Inc.)
Type of Product: First Look / ED TAB
Survey/Program Areas: Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS)
Questions: For questions about the content of this First Look / ED TAB, please contact:
Kerry J. Gruber.
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006, USA
Phone: (202) 502-7300 (map)