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Title:  National Household Education Survey of 1999: Methodology Report
Description: This report provides a complete and detailed description of the design, implementation, and release of the 1999 National Household Education Survey. Information included in the report covers such topics as how topics were selected, questionnaires designed, interviewers trained, samples designed, data collected, data cleaned, the data documentation, and how to properly analyze the data.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: August 2000
Web Release: August 18, 2000
Print Release: This Publication will only be available online.
Publication #: NCES 2000078
General Ordering Information
Center/Program: NCES
Authors: Mary Jo Nolin, Jill Montaquila, Patricia Nicchitta, Kwang Kim, Brian Kleiner, Jean Lennon, Christopher Chapman, Sean Creighton, and Stacey Bielick
Type of Product: Technical/Methodological
Survey/Program Areas: National Household Education Survey (NHES)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Technical/Methodological, please contact:
Chris Chapman.
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