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Residence in a flood plain (core)

Type: Hazard Indicator
Suggested Measures:
  1. Proportion of resident population with homes in a flood plain (core)
Potential Data Sources:
Technical Supplement:

The technical supplement provides specific methods for using the above indicator and measures. It includes definitions, measurement criteria, data sources and surveillance systems, related indicators and limitations. If your agency is using or plans to use EPHIs, the technical supplement will provide you with a consistent method so that your results will be comparable to those of other agencies using the same indicator. To obtain a copy, please contact EPHI Project staff at 770-488-3473.

Geographic or climatic conditions that increase susceptibility to hazards (optional)

Type: Hazard Indicator
Suggested Measures:
  1. Number of days in which temperatures exceed safe thresholds (optional)
  2. Amount of excessive rainfall (optional)
  3. Duration of drought conditions (developmental)
  4. Number of days of flooding (developmental)
  5. Number of floods in areas with high concentrations of pesticide through production, sales, or use (developmental)
Potential Data Sources:
  • FEMA [external link]
  • NOAA [external link]
  • USDA [external link]
  • USGS [external link]
  • States or local jurisdictions: agriculture and environmental protection agencies, especially those with indicator projects
Technical Supplement:

The technical supplement provides specific methods for using the above indicator and measures. It includes definitions, measurement criteria, data sources and surveillance systems, related indicators and limitations. If your agency is using or plans to use EPHIs, the technical supplement will provide you with a consistent method so that your results will be comparable to those of other agencies using the same indicator. To obtain a copy, please contact EPHI Project staff at 770-488-3473.

Residence in a temporary or unsafe structure (optional)

Type: Hazard Indicator
Suggested Measures:
  1. Proportion of population residing in damaged or destroyed home (optional)
  2. Proportion of population residing in temporary shelter (optional)
Potential Data Sources:
  • ARC [external link]
  • CB: census data [external link]
  • CDC
  • FEMA [external link]
  • States or local jurisdictions
Technical Supplement:

The technical supplement provides specific methods for using the above indicator and measures. It includes definitions, measurement criteria, data sources and surveillance systems, related indicators and limitations. If your agency is using or plans to use EPHIs, the technical supplement will provide you with a consistent method so that your results will be comparable to those of other agencies using the same indicator. To obtain a copy, please contact EPHI Project staff at 770-488-3473.

Deaths attributed to extremes in ambient temperature (core)

Type: Health Effect Indicator
Suggested Measures:
  1. Number of heat-attributed deaths (core)
  2. Number of deaths from hypothermia (optional)
Potential Data Sources:
  • ARC [external link]
  • NOAA (NWS, NCDC, NSSL) [external link]
  • States or local jurisdictions: ME/C Information Sharing Program; vital statistics
Technical Supplement:

The technical supplement provides specific methods for using the above indicator and measures. It includes definitions, measurement criteria, data sources and surveillance systems, related indicators and limitations. If your agency is using or plans to use EPHIs, the technical supplement will provide you with a consistent method so that your results will be comparable to those of other agencies using the same indicator. To obtain a copy, please contact EPHI Project staff at 770-488-3473.

Morbidity and mortality attributed to natural forces (optional)

Type: Health Effect Indicator
Suggested Measures:
  1. Number of illnesses or injuries from natural disasters by type of disaster (optional)
  2. Number of deaths from natural disasters by type of disaster (optional)
Potential Data Sources:
  • ARC [external link]
  • NOAA (NWS, NCDC, NSSL) [external link]
  • States or local jurisdictions: ME/C Information Sharing Program ; vital statistics
Technical Supplement:

The technical supplement provides specific methods for using the above indicator and measures. It includes definitions, measurement criteria, data sources and surveillance systems, related indicators and limitations. If your agency is using or plans to use EPHIs, the technical supplement will provide you with a consistent method so that your results will be comparable to those of other agencies using the same indicator. To obtain a copy, please contact EPHI Project staff at 770-488-3473.

Emergency preparedness, response, and mitigation training programs, plans, and protocols (core)

Type: Intervention Indicator
Suggested Measures:
  1. Proportion of jurisdictions for which multi-institutional exercises to prepare for disaster response are conducted annually (core)
  2. Proportion of jurisdictions for which protocols exist for public education messages to elicit preventive behaviors among resident population (optional)
  3. Proportion of jurisdictions for which early warning systems are in place (optional)
  4. Proportion of jurisdictions for which sheltering programs exist (optional)
  5. Proportion of jurisdictions for which safe building codes are enforced (optional)
Potential Data Sources:
  • CDC (NCEH)
  • FEMA [external link]
  • NOAA (NWS, NCDC, NSSL) [external link]
  • States or local jurisdictions: Health and public safety agencies; local FEMA
Technical Supplement:

The technical supplement provides specific methods for using the above indicator and measures. It includes definitions, measurement criteria, data sources and surveillance systems, related indicators and limitations. If your agency is using or plans to use EPHIs, the technical supplement will provide you with a consistent method so that your results will be comparable to those of other agencies using the same indicator. To obtain a copy, please contact EPHI Project staff at 770-488-3473.

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