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Tobacco smoke in homes with children (core)

Type: Hazard Indicator
Suggested Measures:
  1. Proportion of children residing in households with adult smokers (core)
  2. Proportion of households with adult smokers (core)
  3. Proportion of children who smoke (optional)
Potential Data Sources:
Technical Supplement:

The technical supplement provides specific methods for using the above indicator and measures. It includes definitions, measurement criteria, data sources and surveillance systems, related indicators and limitations. If your agency is using or plans to use EPHIs, the technical supplement will provide you with a consistent method so that your results will be comparable to those of other agencies using the same indicator. To obtain a copy, please contact EPHI Project staff at 770-488-3473.

Hazardous or toxic substances in indoor air (optional)

Type: Hazard Indicator
Suggested Measures:
  1. Proportion of houses with group I dust mite in beds (optional)
  2. Proportion of houses with > 0.1 unit/g German cockroach dust in beds (optional)
  3. Proportion of schools with indoor air hazards (developmental)
Potential Data Sources:
Technical Supplement:

The technical supplement provides specific methods for using the above indicator and measures. It includes definitions, measurement criteria, data sources and surveillance systems, related indicators and limitations. If your agency is using or plans to use EPHIs, the technical supplement will provide you with a consistent method so that your results will be comparable to those of other agencies using the same indicator. To obtain a copy, please contact EPHI Project staff at 770-488-3473.

CO poisoning (not fire-related) (core)

Type: Health Effect Indicator
Suggested Measures:
  1. Number of deaths from CO poisoning (core)
  2. Number of hospitalizations and emergency department visits attributed to CO exposure (core)
Potential Data Sources:
  • States or local jurisdictions: injury and CDI surveillance; hospital discharge data; ME/C; vital statistics
Technical Supplement:

The technical supplement provides specific methods for using the above indicator and measures. It includes definitions, measurement criteria, data sources and surveillance systems, related indicators and limitations. If your agency is using or plans to use EPHIs, the technical supplement will provide you with a consistent method so that your results will be comparable to those of other agencies using the same indicator. To obtain a copy, please contact EPHI Project staff at 770-488-3473.

Unusual pattern of respiratory events (for which indoor air hazards are suspected) (optional)

Type: Health Effect Indicator
Suggested Measures:
  1. Number of emergency department visits in which an air-borne agent is suspected (optional)
  2. Number of deaths in which an air-borne agent is suspected (optional)
Potential Data Sources:
  • States or local jurisdictions: CDI surveillance; ME/C; vital statistics
Technical Supplement:

The technical supplement provides specific methods for using the above indicator and measures. It includes definitions, measurement criteria, data sources and surveillance systems, related indicators and limitations. If your agency is using or plans to use EPHIs, the technical supplement will provide you with a consistent method so that your results will be comparable to those of other agencies using the same indicator. To obtain a copy, please contact EPHI Project staff at 770-488-3473.

Policies that address indoor air hazards in schools (core)

Type: Intervention Indicator
Suggested Measures:
  1. Proportion of schools with indoor air policies (core)
  2. Proportion of schools with smoke-free and tobacco-free policies (core)
Potential Data Sources:
Technical Supplement:

The technical supplement provides specific methods for using the above indicator and measures. It includes definitions, measurement criteria, data sources and surveillance systems, related indicators and limitations. If your agency is using or plans to use EPHIs, the technical supplement will provide you with a consistent method so that your results will be comparable to those of other agencies using the same indicator. To obtain a copy, please contact EPHI Project staff at 770-488-3473.

Laws pertaining to smoke-free indoor air (core)

Type: Intervention Indicator
Suggested Measures:
  1. Number of jurisdictions with laws on smoke-free indoor air (core)
  2. Proportion of resident population in jurisdictions with laws pertaining to smoke-free indoor air (core)
Potential Data Sources:
  • CB: census data [external link]
  • States or local jurisdictions: STATE [external link]; health agencies, occupational safety and health divisions
Technical Supplement:

The technical supplement provides specific methods for using the above indicator and measures. It includes definitions, measurement criteria, data sources and surveillance systems, related indicators and limitations. If your agency is using or plans to use EPHIs, the technical supplement will provide you with a consistent method so that your results will be comparable to those of other agencies using the same indicator. To obtain a copy, please contact EPHI Project staff at 770-488-3473.

Indoor air inspections (core)

Type: Intervention Indicator
Suggested Measures:
  1. Number of complaint-related indoor air inspections (core)
Potential Data Sources:
Technical Supplement:

The technical supplement provides specific methods for using the above indicator and measures. It includes definitions, measurement criteria, data sources and surveillance systems, related indicators and limitations. If your agency is using or plans to use EPHIs, the technical supplement will provide you with a consistent method so that your results will be comparable to those of other agencies using the same indicator. To obtain a copy, please contact EPHI Project staff at 770-488-3473.

Use of best practices for protecting indoor air (optional)

Type: Intervention Indicator
Suggested Measures:
  1. Number of local jurisdictions with ordinances requiring CO detectors in apartment buildings (optional)
  2. Proportion of non-manufacturing work force that occupies office buildings for which indoor air quality management practices address human health (optional)
  3. Proportion of resident population for which programs area available for testing radon in high-risk homes (optional)
Potential Data Sources:
  • CDC: NHIS, NIOSH surveillance systems
  • EPA [external link]
  • OSHA [external link]
  • States or local jurisdictions: Health agencies, occupational safety and health divisions; local OSHA; STATE
Technical Supplement:

The technical supplement provides specific methods for using the above indicator and measures. It includes definitions, measurement criteria, data sources and surveillance systems, related indicators and limitations. If your agency is using or plans to use EPHIs, the technical supplement will provide you with a consistent method so that your results will be comparable to those of other agencies using the same indicator. To obtain a copy, please contact EPHI Project staff at 770-488-3473.

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