The Library of Congress >> Prints & Photographs  >> Swann Foundation

Edmund Valtman: The Cartoonist Who Came in From the Cold


Staff for the Special Presentation:

MaoPrints and Photographs Division:
Jeremy Adamson, Chief
Harry L. Katz, Head Curator
Sara W. Duke, Assistant Curator, Popular and Applied Graphic Art
Martha H. Kennedy, Curatorial Project Assistant and Presentation Curator
Emily Dittman, Curatorial Project Assistant
Lucia Rather, Special Exhibition Assistant

Network Development: Glenn Gardner, Julie Mangin, Elizabeth F. Miller
Scanning Lab: Domenico Sergi
Photo Lab: Yusef El Amin

This special presentation and checklist were prepared with funds provided by the Caroline and Erwin Swann Memorial Fund for Caricature and Cartoon. The Swann Fund supports an ongoing program at the Library of Congress of preservation, publication, exhibition acquisition, and scholarly research in the related fields of cartoon, caricature, and illustration.

  The Library of Congress >> Prints & Photographs >> Swann Foundation
  March 17, 2003

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