Reforma de la Ley de Inmigracion: Las Sanciones Impuestas a los Patronos y la Situacion del Discrimen en el Empleo

GGD-90-62SV March 29, 1990
Full Report (PDF, 14 pages)  


Pursuant to a legislative requirement, GAO reviewed implementation and enforcement of Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) provisions regarding sanctions against employers who knowingly hire unauthorized workers, focusing on: (1) the act's implementation; (2) whether the act caused a widespread pattern of discrimination against U.S. citizens or other eligible workers; and (3) whether the act caused an unnecessary burden on employers.

GAO found that: (1) the law reduced illegal immigration and did not pose an unnecessary burden on employers; (2) federal agencies generally carried out the law; and (3) the law had generally not been used as a vehicle to file frivolous complaints against employers. GAO also found that: (1) it was difficult to determine whether discrimination was a direct result of IRCA; (2) 65 percent of employers reported that they complied with IRCA; (3) persons of Hispanic and Asian origin suffered higher levels of discrimination; (4) because of the law, about 10 percent of employers began one or more discriminatory practices; (5) 78 percent of employers wanted simpler or better employee verification systems, and more employers that reported discriminatory practices desired such changes than those that did not report discrimination; and (6) about 9 percent of employers said that they only hired U.S.-born persons or did not hire persons with temporary work eligibility documents.