Department of Homeland Security: United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology Program ("US-VISIT"); Authority to Collect Biometric Data From Additional Travelers and Expansion to the 50 Most Highly Trafficked Land Border Ports of Entry

GAO-05-112R October 15, 2004
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GAO reviewed the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) new rule on the United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology Program's (US-VISIT) authority to collect biometric data from additional travelers and expansion to the 50 most highly trafficked land border ports of entry. GAO found that (1) DHS has established US-VISIT, an integrated, automated entry-exit system that records the arrival and departure of aliens and verifies aliens' identities and authenticates aliens' travel documents through comparison of biometric identifiers; and (2) DHS complied with all applicable requirements in promulgating the rule.