Home arrow NewsCastle arrow Nov 2008 Issue arrow 11.13 Final Word
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Vol. 38 No. 11      A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers         November 2008

Final Word

Election drama, entertainment, and ‘oh yeah,’ history
By Danny Kelly

Danny Kelly
Danny Kelly
Hello, dear readers. I’m the new guy. The guy you may have seen walking around the halls of the Los Angeles District and wondered, “Who’s that guy?” That’s me. I’m the new chief writer and editor of the Mighty Los Angeles District’s NewsCastle, and I just wanted to introduce myself before getting down to the election drama. So, pleased to meet you, and thanks for reading.

Ah, the election. Pretty entertaining, huh? Well, that’s what I thought at least. Where to start? How about YouTube?

There are several videos I found extremely funny. The now President-elect Barak Obama seemed very adamant to “bring it” to Sen. John McCain in a video entitled “John McCain vs. Barak Obama dance-off.” There is even a special guest dance competitor at the end of the video. Guess who? None other than Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. How they edited the heads of politicians onto professional dancers, I do not know, but I found this video extremely funny. The fun didn’t stop there.

Another YouTube video, which many of you may have seen, was the “Never Gonna Give You Up” Obama video. Rick Astley’s pop song brought to us via cut-together clips of Obama’s speeches. I even saw this clip on one of the morning shows here in Los Angeles.

The list of YouTube videos containing humor, conspiracy theory, love, hate and the rest, are too great to list in this story, but let me tell you, a lot of it made me laugh.

Saturday Night Live covered a lot of the election humor with comedian Tina Fey’s impersonation of Palin. The list goes on with Comedy Central’s comedic news reports “The Colbert Report” with Steven Colbert and “The Daily Show” with Jon Stewart.

I laughed, and I laughed, and yet … times have been very scary, at least to me, for the past few years, and especially in the last few months. The wars, the economy … and here we are, America, and we still have our sense of humor. To find we can still laugh, in the face of tough times, makes me smile, not out of humor mind you, but out of pride for this country.

Voters made history by electing Obama to be the first black President of the United States. His promotion for change, to me, is uplifting, and with all the humor, with our country in the state it is, I hope after all is said and done I can still look back and laugh.

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