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PACJET Projects
HMT 2004
IOP 1: 20 Jan 2001
IOP 2: 23 Jan 2001
IOP 3: 25 Jan 2001
IOP 4: 31 Jan 2001
IOP 5: 1 Feb 2001
IOP 6: 6 Feb 2001
IOP 7: 9 Feb 2001
IOP 8: 10 Feb 2001
IOP 9: 11 Feb 2001
IOP 10: 12 Feb 2001
IOP 11: 17 Feb 2001
IOP 12: 18 Feb 2001
IOP 13: 21 Feb 2001
IOP 14: 24 Feb 2001
IOP 15: 25 Feb 2001
IOP 16: 1 Mar 2001
About Pacjet
CALJET Summary
Societal Impacts and User Input
Linkages to National Priorities
  Data Assimilation Implementation Plan
March 2001 Program Status Report
PACJET 2001 Poster NSSL Briefing
Program Documents
PACJET and a Long-term Effort to Improve 0-24 h West Coast Forecasts
Overview Poster
Research Participants
NOAA Research
  ETL,   NSSL,   FSL,   AL,   CDC
National Weather Service Western Region
  Eureka,   Hanford,   Medford,   Monterey,   Oxnard,   Portland,   Reno,   Sacramento,   San Diego,   Seattle,   CNFRC
Office of Marine and Aviation Operations
Naval Postgradute School
SUNY Stony Brook
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
  EMC,   HPC,   MPC
National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service
Operational Forecasting Components
COMET Presentation
West Coast RUC Aircraft Obs via AWIPS
Applications Development
Research Components
Modeling Research Components
Related Experiments
Winter Storm Reconnaissance (Central Pac.)
CRPAQS (CA Air Quality)
IMPROVE (Microphysics)
THORPEX (Synoptic Targeting)
Observing Systems
Wind Profiler Network
Satellite Products
NOAA S-band Radar
Media Contacts
2001 - Monterey, CA
July 13-14 2000 (Boulder, CO)
July Workshop Agenda
September 1999 - Monterey, CA
1999 Planning Workshop Figures
June 1998 - CALJET

Program Status for Thursday, 1 March 2001

Status | Observations | Forecast Discussion | Flight Plan | Soundings Status

Status Updated: 1130 PST Thursday, March 1
Next Update: 1500 PST Friday, March 2.
Thursday, March 1 No weather briefing.
P3 flight canceled due to mechanical problems.
Friday, March 2 Final program weather briefing at 1000 PST.
G-IV flight scheduled for 1200 PST (2000 UTC) take off.
P3 down for maintenance.

Dropsondes from the NOAA G-IV aircraft and their apparent impact on Aviation (AVN) model analysis 0000 UTC 1 March 20001 during PACJET IOP 16. The 12-h forecast low center was 989 mb, while the observations indicated a central pressure <978 mb, likely 974-976 mb. The AVN analysis, which included the dropsonde data, produced a 979 mb low and nearby winds much closer to reality than the previous 12-h forecast valid at that time.

(A) Aviation model 12-h forecat of mean sea level pressure and 1000 mb winds initialized at 1200 UTC 28 Feb 2001, valid at 0000 UTC 1 March 2001. The track of the NOAA G-IV and approximate locations of dropsondes launched and transmitted between 2200 UTC 28 Feb and 0245 UTC 1 Mar for assimilation into the operational models are also shown. Selected dropsonde observations of surface wind and pressure are shown for comparison.

(B) As in (A), but the AVN model output shown is the analysis valid at the same time as in (A) (0000 UTC 1 Mar 2001), after assimilation of PACJET G-IV dropsonde observations.
Status | Observations | Forecast Discussion | Flight Plan | Soundings Status

1730 UTC IOP 16 has been canceled due to mechanical problems. The P3 is due in Monterey at 1100 PST.
1707 UTC at 40.0N, 124.74W
heading: 326deg at 18000 ft (32 min to pt 1)

At 505mb:
winds: 307deg, 43kt
air temp: -14.4degC
dewpt temp: -16.0degC

1646 UTC at 38.78N, 123.72W
heading: 325deg, at 18000 ft (1h to pt 1)

at 506mb:
winds: 301deg, 32kt
air temp: -15.6degC
dewpt temp: -17.5degC
mix rat: 1.9g/kg

1626 UTC at 37.67N, 122.83W
heading: 329deg at 18000 ft (1h 10 min to pt 1)

at 505mb:
winds: 337deg, 34kt
air temp: -16.2degC
dewpt temp: -19.4degC
mix rat: 1.6g/kg

1605 UTC Out of MRY:
at 850mb level
winds: 189deg, 13kt
air temp: 2.4degC
dewpt temp: -7.1degC

Status | Observations | Forecast Discussion | Flight Plan | Soundings Status

Forecast Discussion

Status | Observations | Forecast Discussion | Flight Plan | Soundings Status

Flight Plan

MRY - 1 80 - FL200 Transit
1 Spiral descent to 1000 ft.
1-2 Flux stack; four 15 minute legs 500 to 3,800 ft.
2-3 1,000 ft.
3 Spiral ascent to FL200.
3-4 FL200
4 Spiral descent to 1,000 ft.
4-5-6-7 1,000 ft.
7-6-7 Repeat 1,000 ft. legs.
7-8 1,000 ft.
8 - MRY Transit

Status | Observations | Forecast Discussion | Soundings Status

Sounding Status
1 March
Bodega BayNo soundings.
CazaderoNo soundings.
OaklandNo special soundings requested.
RenoNo special soundings requested.
2 March
Bodega BayNo soundings.
CazaderoNo soundings.
OaklandNo special soundings requested.
RenoNo special soundings requested.

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