Additional Help for Colleges Affected by Katrina and Rita
Archived Information

January 18, 2006
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(202) 401-1576

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New Orleans — U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings today announced the availability of an additional $30 million in education funds—on top of $200 million appropriated by Congress—to help institutions of higher education that were directly impacted by hurricanes Katrina and Rita, as well as other colleges and universities around the country that enrolled displaced students. The $30 million is unspent federal financial aid funding that is being redirected to help the hurricane-affected institutions. Secretary Spellings made the announcement following a meeting at Tulane University with presidents and students of eight New Orleans-area colleges and universities.

"Institutions of higher education are a vital component in the rebuilding of New Orleans," Spellings said. "We know that much work remains to be done and we stand ready to help the colleges, universities and other postsecondary schools that have been deeply affected by the hurricanes, as well as those schools that rallied to their aid and took in students in the spirit of cooperation."

In addition to the $30 million in redirected funds, another $200 million is available through the Hurricane Education Recovery Act. Included in this is $10 million for the 99 postsecondary institutions around the country that enrolled displaced students following the hurricanes, and $190 million for Louisiana's and Mississippi's boards of higher education. Congress directed $95 million each to the Louisiana Board of Regents and the Mississippi Institutes of Higher Learning.

During her visit to New Orleans, Secretary Spellings visited with leaders of eight major New Orleans institutions of higher education affected by the hurricanes: Scott Cowen, president, Tulane University; Marvelene Hughes, president, Dillard University; Norman Francis, president, Xavier University; the Rev. Kevin Wildes, president, Loyola University; Tommy Warner, chancellor, Nunez Community College; Alex Johnson, chancellor, Delgado Community College; Victor Ukpolo, chancellor, Southern University; and, Tim Ryan, chancellor, University of New Orleans. Students from each college also attended the meeting, sharing the challenges they faced last semester and their thoughts as they start the spring semester at their home institutions.

Today's meeting marks the latest in a series of meetings that Secretary Spellings and other federal education officials have held over the past several months with higher education leaders in Mississippi and Louisiana to discuss student aid issues and other ways the Department can help.

The Bush Administration and Secretary Spellings have initiated numerous efforts to benefit students and colleges affected by the hurricanes, including assistance in repaying student loans and flexibility in awarding financial aid. More information about the Hurricane Education Recovery Act can be found at:



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Last Modified: 01/26/2006