FEMA Region III Director's Farewell Message 

Release Date: November 13, 2002
Release Number: R3-02-05b

As I come to the end of my tenure as Regional Director, I reflect on the accomplishments made during this challenging time. It has been a year of intense activity within the Regional Office and in the field. We have just issued our FY 02 Annual Report, detailing our efforts and those of our federal, state and local partners.

This has been an exciting time for me. I am grateful to the President and Director Allbaugh for giving me this opportunity and will remember it as I turn my attention to becoming a parent. I thank all of you for your efforts and support. Whatever your position in emergency management, your contributions are essential and appreciated.
Charlotte Herbert Mears

Complete message is in The Region III Report:

Last Modified: Thursday, 21-Aug-2003 14:31:48