Secretary Spellings Visits Egypt
Discusses common educational opportunities and challenges faced by all countries
Archived Information

May 23, 2006
Contact: Chad Colby, Valerie Smith
(202) 401-1576

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This week, U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings travels to Sharm el Sheikh and Cairo, Egypt, and participates in the 2nd Annual Broader Middle East and North Africa (BMENA) Education Ministerial. Today Secretary Spellings issued the following statement:

I'm looking forward to meeting with leaders from around the world in Egypt to discuss the common educational challenges and opportunities we face. We must ensure our education systems are keeping pace with the demands of a rapidly changing global economy.

Technology has connected people around the world like never before, and education is the common currency every child needs to succeed. As policymakers, educators and business leaders, we must work together to help our children develop the creative, critical thinking skills to drive innovation and economic development in the 21st century. It's the key to expanding opportunity and helping millions of people around the world realize the dream of a better life.



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Last Modified: 05/23/2006